Chapter 1 A Fresh Start

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I guess I should start from the beginning. My name is Samantha I am the youngest 6 kids, I have a twin sister named Sofi. From youngest to oldest it goes Me and Samantha 11, Michael 13, Sarah and Jamie 15, and Justin who is 16. But now that we live with our aunt and cousins I have 4 more siblings Nash, Hayes, Will and Skylnn. Our mom left us when I was 7, everyone was sad, except me well I was a little at first but after everything she had said and done to me I figured I could live without her. Although my father has said and done worse things... What hurt the most about my mother leaving was she was leaving us with a monster and she knew that. Although she hated me and said hat many times it still hurt that she would leave me with him. he likes all the kids je just hates me and will find a reason to beat me no matter what sometimes he doesnt even have a reason he just does. Anyway i have no idea how we ended up living with our cousins because they live in North Carolina and we are from Texas. I guess the court figured they were the closest family we got since our moms rights were terminated. our dad has a 20 year sentence in prison but i wish it was lifetime because he promised that as soon as he got out he was gonna find me and beat the shit out of me. And before he got taken away he said he will try really hard to break out and find me and whats scary is he could because he knew where his sister lived. I really like living with the Griers/Floydds they are so nice, I always thought all parents were like mine but after a day or so i figured out just how wrong I was. This is my 2nd week living with them and i think they are going on some tour called Magcom or Magcon or something. I guess I'm kinda excited because we get to go and it's my first trip ever. We are going all the way to Orlando,FL!!!

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