l'Opéra de Paris

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l'Opéra de Paris

It was the middle of rehearsal. The stage was full of people, running here and there, getting ready. In the center, a group of dancers were moving to the rhythm of the orchestra beneath them. The loud music filled the building, echoing through the marble hallways. The dancers moved in sync, with swift movements.

In the backstage, girls were running around, searching for their costumes, tying each other's corsets and braiding their hair. Suddenly, a loud voice was heard from the corner of the stage, and a man stepped in, followed by two other people

"Ladies and gentleman if I could get your attention for a moment?" He spoke loud and clear, and the conductor stopped the orchestra from playing. Everyone stopped moving and it was now dead silent. Only his footsteps could be heard as he walked around through the opera employees

"I am terribly sorry for pausing your rehearsal. I am well aware of the opera that occurs tonight and that you're all nervous and need as much practice as possible" A few whispers were heard once the man stopped talking "But, as you all might have heard, I am retiring. I will no longer be the director of the opera and I want to introduce you to the next owners of this building. Mademoiselle Allura and monsieur Coran" The two people behind him made a few steps forward into the crowd.

Allura was a tall, slightly tanned woman, with bright blue eyes and white hair. "It's a pleasure to meet you all and work with you. " She spoke and soon a round of applauses was heard from the gathering of people around them. She smiled and slightly bowed her head, before the redheaded man next to her spoke as well "We are looking forward to seeing you perform tonight-"

"Monsieur!" A man stood up and walked towards them. He was buff and tall, with black hair and a few white strings. He didn't have his left arm, instead, a wooden replacement "Ah! Forgive me" The old director spoke "This is Shiro, our dance teacher and choreograph"

Allura smiled "Pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is mine, I assure you" Shiro gave her a soft smile and kissed her hand politely, before shaking hands with Coran " But about the show tonight. There is an issue. Or lead singer is missing. She quit yesterday evening"

"May I ask why?" The old director asked

"The phantom" Shiro spoke with a sigh and looked down

"What do you mean "Phantom"... those things aren't even real?" Allura asked with a small chuckle

The people around them started whispering and gasping, gaining the new pair's attention. Coran rose a brow and crossed his arms "No I don't believe it. Not a single bit of this nonsense" He spoke and looked at the woman next to him

"Real or not, we're still missing the lead" Allura whispered "Without a lead how can there be a show tonight?"

"Lance can sing!" Another loud voice was heard from the crowd. A tall, slightly chubby man spoke as he stood up. He had dark eyes, tan skin and brown hair

"Mademoiselle, Monsieur this is our base solo singer, Hunk" Shiro introduced him before nodding "Lance ... do you mind coming over?" he spoke again and another young man sat up. He had a similar skin tone to Hunk, but maybe a bit lighter. He had short, dark hair and ocean blue eyes. He was skinny, with only a bit of muscle. He was one of the dancers

He walked over to the others "who's your teacher?" Allura asked

"I....I don't know his name" Lance replied looking at the beautiful lady

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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