Chapter 1

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"See you later, Mom."
"I'll pick you up after camp ends, sweetie."
I grab my violin from the car and head into the school that holds the summer music program.  As usual, Mr. F is sitting at a table checking people in for the first day to see who showed up.  He's a portly guy with little to no hair, which is all gray. You'd think he was older, but he only just got out of college.  I quickly check in, and head off to the Tri-M room.  Since I've been at the camp every summer since early elementary school and I was going into high school now, I was one of the teacher assistants, I guess.  Walking kids back and forth between classes and to the bathrooms. We also do little lessons with the beginners for their concert at the end of the camp. 
-end of camp-
"Hey mom?"
"Yeah, hon?"
"Mr. F asked if I wanted to try out marching band. Can I go to the meeting tonight?"
"Sure... do realize you have BJJ the days they meet, right?"
"What? Damnnn..." I looked out the car window as my mom backed out of the parking space.
"Well, lets see if you like it first, and then we'll look into classes on other days. I'm sure there'll be another class you like that would be good for you."
The rest of the ride home, both of us sang along with the music in the car.

I went to the meeting, and saw people from my school that I knew, others from the camp that I recognized and a lot of new faces. I mostly tried to stick with the few I did know, and the section I would be put into if I joined.  Little did I know, that I caught someone's eye that day.

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