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Possible trigger warning: Suicide.

Levi sat in solitude still thinking the idea over.
He could end it right now, he could end this living hell right here and now.
He glanced down at the knife in his right hand, Levi knew he was being greedy, and for a moment he nearly reconsidered. But it was almost as if he couldn't not do it.
He felt the sweat drip from his chin as he watched his hands quiver in terror of what he had become.
The scene replayed in his head over and over, he knew it was his fault. It was his fault so many lives had been lost, with nothing to show. Petra, Gunter, Auruo and so many others. Their screams haunted him, it was all his fault.
All his fault...
if he had listened to his comrades and ordered them to do something, to do anything they might still be alive and fighting...He had to do it. He raised the knife above his throat and gulped, he didn't have a problem with pain, but the imagine of a knife being pushed into someones throat sent chills down his spine.
He smiled.
Not at the pain he was now prepared to feel, but the relief.
He was happy, happy that it was all going to end.
And hell, maybe if heaven was real he would finally get to see Petra again.
He smiled at the thought of Petra with beautiful wings, dressed in all white. He pictured her hair sitting on her shoulders like it always did, swaying lightly in the wind.
He frowned. All too suddenly he heard her voice in his head screaming out the single word that will forever haunt him
He had heard the word countless times in his head.
He could see their dead bodies, in his mind. Their faces haunting him.
And what if Hanji had been right?
What if all titans were once humans?
If that was the case he was sure he would be going to hell instead. All of Levi's life he'd been flying around killing titans left and right
Or possibly humans.
He shivered at the thought.
Levi had made his decision.
In one swift move he plunged the knife into his own throat. it was the best thing Levi had ever felt. Like a sweet relief he had been longing for his whole life, and he was happy.
He heard the door open as his body collapsed. The room was spinning and his vision was almost completely gone. The last sight Levi saw was Eren's boots running towards him as he screamed. Levi was finally free from his hell disguised as a living.
And the last thing he heard was that disgusting word

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