Chapter 1 Moving In

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Claire's POV

Phew. I think that was the last of the luggages. Goodbye highschool, hello college. I finally left home to go to Design Institute of Los Angeles, my dream school that is three hours away from where I live.

"Claire, honey, are you sure you don't want to attend a college closer to home? It's not too late to change your major," my mother asked. My parents have been against my major, fashion design, since day one. They think of crazy ideas like, getting raped while traveling. I wonder who will ever think of that? Oh wait, my over-protective parents has answered that question already.

I respond back to my mom, "how many times do I have to say that I love that school I'm going to attend? I don't wish to change my major either. Don't worry, I'll be fine by my--"

"You are not fine by yourself! I knew you should've just went to a college nearby," my father interjected. The main source of this dilema, my dad. He continued by asking, "what if you get raped or kidnapped? How am I supposed to drive three hours to help? I just don't want you to get hurt. Haven't you learned anything from the Hong Kong dramas we watch at home?"

"He's right. You're a tall, beautiful young lady. There's bound to be a boy coming after you," my mother added. Right when I was about to reply, my dad interrupted with, "No boyfriend until after college and getting a job!" Jesus Christ. My mom and dad are trying to drive me into a brick wall I swear. Oh well, it's time to begin my adventurrs with freedom. Time to say good-bye.

"Bye mom, bye dad. Love you."

"Bye baby, be safe," my parents said as they drove away. Looking up into the clear blue sky, many scenes of possible adventures piled up in my head. Going to all the restuarants nearby with friends, rollerskating, going to the beach, basically everything. The thought of doing all that stuff made me so estatic. I've got to make a bucket list when I reach my room. As I made my way to my dorm room, I passed by one of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Maybe it was her bohemian style or the way she walks, but either way, she is hot. Unlike her, I'd say my style is leaning towards an urban style with a mix of girly. Since not many clothing stores contain that type of style, besides urban outfitters, I create my own clothes. Well, some of them.

Just as I was about to turn my doorknob, the door swung right open, hitting me perfectly on the center of the forehead. Then everything became a blur.

When I woke up, I was lying on a twin-sized mattress next to a wooden desk. My eyes wondered the tiny room until I realized there was a petite girl staring at me like I was an alien who just crashed onto Earth.

She finally opened her mouth and spoke these words, "dude, I'm so sorry for smashing the door in your face. Ey, are you Claire Wu by any chance?"

Woah, she had such a manly voice for a small, adorable-looking girl. My roommate is so weird, how cool. Oh shoot, I didn't hear her question. I was too busy listening to her deep voice. I'll just say something simple. "Uh, are you my roommate person person?" Crap! I just said person, and not once, twice. How embarrassing.

"So are you Claire Wu or not?"

"Yea, I'm Claire. Nice to meet you umm, what's your name again?"

"The name is Maybel. Maybel Stone."

"Pleased to meet you Maybel. Question, which bed did you take? Sorry, I want to finish unpacking by today."

"Left bed is mine," she slowly responded. Her bed, closet, and desk already seemed to be set up properly. I guess that just left me. When I stood up from the bed, the long body mirror behind the door reflected the terrible bruise that developed on my forehead. It was a mixture of yucky purple and throw-up green. As I was sighing my worry away, the realization hit me on the face again. I needed to finish unpacking by tonight. Moving in was more tiring than I thought.


This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expectations. Just saying, it's unedited so there might be a lot of mistakes. Anyways, keep reading, commenting, and following. Thanks!

- J. N. C.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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