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    The pale sun shown through the boarded window cracks, illuminating the flowing dust particles. It was early morning, the cold air brisk and sharp. The floor boards let out a strained creak under the weight of Jin-li's's feet, clicking in sync with his steps. The fridge popped as its door was opened, revealing a small selection. Jin-li picked up a glass bottle of iced coffee, popping off the lip with ease. Quietly, he pressed the cold glass to his lips before shutting the door. With this, Jin-li walked out of the small construction of steel and wood. Silence filled the abandoned train station, the way it had always been. Jin-li sighed, knowing how much harder life was now.

     "Keo-Seok... why did you have to leave us.. we miss you.. Things.. haven't been the same.." he sighed to the grey sky. Tears welled in his eyes before he shook his head. Jin-li walked down pathway, the puffs of his breath rising up to the clouded atmosphere.  Emotions of all different sorts consumed the air, reminding him of the old memories that ran through his head. 

      As he walked, the sky grew lighter, the sun briefly shining through the clouds. However, the darkness returned, adding to the gloom of the scenery. Jae-li walked to house, taking another drink from his glass. "Kang-Dae-Ah!" he called calmly from behind the door, knocking with his foot. "Heyyy! Jae-Li made it!" a male with black hair exclaimed, pulling the navy-blue haired boy in. Music blared from speakers as the lazer lights shone through the house. "Aish Hyung.. You are so weird.." he chuckled, shaking his head from side to side. "Eyyyyy! Welcome JaeJ!" a boy with dark brown hair and green tips called. "Hello Ha-Joon." Jae-li silently responded with a bored expression. Myung-Yeol was seated in the corner, his black hood pulled over his head.  The small boy was known for blaming himself for the death of his older brother. Each member walked about the house, music blaring at its highest setting. 

     It had felt like so long ever since things had been normal the boys. With the death of Keo-Seok, no one acted the same. Two boys had become very careless, messing around with different things. One had become aggressive and cruel to the outside world, hating it for allowing the death to happen. Myung-Yeol blamed himself for the  death, even though it was caused by a car accident. Another male was helping to protect the boys and clean up the messes they caused. Lastly, Jae-li was was left to sit by and watch it, becoming solitary and avoiding outside contact. 

      Why were things so hard now? Why had they gone so down hill? These questions never seemed to be answered, and it was doubted that it will ever remain the same.  Out of nowhere, a light orange haired male ran down the stairs, wrapping an arm around Kang-Dae's neck. He cheered loudly, letting go of the older male.  Ha-Joon pulled out a pillow, smacking another boy with it. Feathers went flying everywhere, most boys grabbing another pillow and hitting each other. 

     "This is insane... They have no self control anymore.." one male thought to himself. "G-Guys! Is this necessary?!" Myung-Yeol cried, looking at the three that were hitting each other. However, they didn't seem to hear him over the music and yelling. Jae-li sat down on a speaker, feeling the heavy vibrations under him. Time went on through the insanity of the room, the noise never fading. Luckily, the feathers stopped flying, the music died down, and the yelling ceased. The three boys who had been hitting each other now lay on the floor in awkward positions, but were all to exhausted to care. Jae-li and Myung-Yeol were asleep in the feathers, leaving a mes for the second eldest to clean up.

    This boy's name was Baek-Hyeon, who was know the oldest 'brother'. He sighed deeply as he looked at the others, shaking his head from side to side. It made him sad seeing how the boys had changed. Never in his life did he dream of seeing all of his "brothers" in such a dark place. Baek-Hyeon began to clean up the torn apart room. Feathers lay everywhere across the room, confetti was scattered everywhere, along with glitter. Luckily, the trash had been thrown out, but the recycling needed taken out as well. 

     Baek-Hyeon first cleaned out the tables, dusting feathers off of the table, returning bottles with liquid in them back into the fridge, and putting empty bottles into a bag to go into recycling. He then picked up each male, putting them into a bedroom. Once he returned, He cleaned the floor with a vacuum and broom, them dumping out the contents into a trashcan. Baek-Hyeon carried the bags of trash and recyclables outside to their designated bins once everything had been finished. 

     The cold air hit him like pins and needles, its frigid tones shocking his nerves. Cars whizzed past the quieter house, making the wind a little harsher. With dark, sad eyes, Baek-Hyeon looked up the the darkening sky, which rolled with oncoming storm. The sky blotted with light grey, dark grey, and black splotches across the sky. A deep roll of thunder ripped through the noises, almost like a deep-throated purr from massive feline in the sky. Slowly, rain began to trickle, beginning as just a light prickling of tiny raindrops. However, that changed quickly, the rain thudding harder and harder, sending Baek-Hyeon into the house quickly. "Whelp..  looks like I'm stuck here.." he thought. Once seated in a recliner, he exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. 

"Well.. at least we aren't running tonight.."


 Hey everyone! This is the intro to my new book! I really hope you all enjoy it.  Someone I'd love to give credit to is @jinnietaechim They have helped me with ideas for this book and are an amazing person. Please go follow them and check out their books! 

If any of you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, feel free to comment or talk to me about it.

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