Chapter 1 pt 1

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' So Peter what's the plan for this Friday?' Peter couldn't answer Shuri's question as quick as he wanted to. During the Avengers latest mission Their head quarters had been destroyed and it needed a few more weeks for it to be fully rebuilt. This meant that the two couldn't hang their and watch memes and vines like they wanted to. 

' well we could see a movie,' Peter came up with. 

'Sure, but I choose the movie.' 

'Fine,' Peter said. Sometimes arguing with Shuri was pointless because well one Peter thought it was right to respect a princess, and two because it wouldn't be so bright to argue with someone so smart such as herself. 

' I'm gonna take a quick shower' Shuri said heading off into the bathroom. Peter was glad Aunt May allowed him and Shuri to stay at the apartment for awhile. It was peacefully than the Avgers tower at some points and Peter could get his home work done. 

' Hey Aunt May? Me and Shuri are heading to the theaters in 5 minuets!' 



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Peter stared in his mirror and then moves his hair out of his face. He then thought about how the hell did he meet the princess  of Wakanda anyways. Oh right he was being nosy and decided to sneak into Tony's ship on the way to Wakanda. He rembered him being so pissed off when Peter revealed himself. When Shuri saw him she gave him a warm smile. Bucky was also not happy because of the warm smile Peter returned. He didn't think Bucky of all people would be jealous. Or maybe he wasn't. Peter couldn't really tell sometimes with him. Not to mention the king wasn't so amused either about a random kid sneaking into his country. They were nice enough to let him stay though and Peter got to know Shuri well. They became close and Peter even brought her to Queens once to meet his friends. Of course Ned thought that Shuri was his girlfriend and Michelle florted with her. Flash on the other hand thought she was Peters girlfriend to and the whole day he tried to please her until he challenged her into a fight and if she lost she'd date him and if he lost he would have to leave me alone for 2 weeks. Of course Shuri kicked his ass and Flash hasn't bullied Peter for 2 weeks. It was fun while it lasted and ever scince Peter wanted to bring Shuri again for her to kick his ass again. 

'Ready!' Shuri yelled from the living room, breaking Peters thoughts.


Peter grabbed his red, white  and blue bomber jacket and headed out the door along with Shuri. 

'Be good kids,' Peter heard Aunt May yelled. 

'We're going to be fine,' Peter assured her. 

         Or at least he hopes so. Otherwise T'Challa might kill him for getting his baby sister hurt or anything.....

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