Chapter One

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Fire is everywhere, my vision is getting blurry, who was I chasing? I see something, my vision is getting darker. Someone is picking me up, I can feel it. I struggle to open my eyes. When I open them I see- 

I wake up gasping for air. 'What was that?', I ask myself. I frantically look around and sigh. I'm still in my room. "Honey get dressed, breakfast is ready.", Mom called from outside my room. I slowly get up, walk to my closet to find a hoodie and a pair of shoes. Then I rush to my dresser to get undergarments and jeans. After I get dressed I walk to the kitchen just in time to see my plate put down in my place. I slowly eat the eggs, toast, and sausage, grab my backpack, and go to the edge of the driveway of my house to wait for the bus. 

When the bus arrives I hop on and say hello to my bus driver, Ms. Cindy.  I walk to the near end of the bus before sitting down. I say hello to a few acquaintances and stop talking completely. I look out the window and take myself to a whole new world. A world where I was beautiful and had a person to whisper my secrets to. 

With what felt like seconds I arrived at my high school. I force a smile as I walk into the school saying hello to the people I was acquainted with. I walk to my first period with my best friend, Emma. We arrive at the math wing and walk to our class. I sit and listen to Ms. Hall and I do work. Forty-five minutes seem to past by slowly.

The bell rings and I start walking to my second period until someone broke the cycle by backing me against a wall. 

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