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Peter had snuggled down beneath the covers as Tony turned to leave his room.
"Papa! Please stay? I want a story!" He demanded.
"Really? You're 7 and you want a bedtime story?" Peter nodded, "alright kiddo, let me find you something..." He looked around to see where any of his books were but found nothing. "Uhh, Pete? Where are your books?"
"Dad knows" he replied, to which Tony left to find Stephen.

As Tony checked their own room for Strange, he noticed a small-ish, leather bound book out on his bed side. This will do... he thought, and returned to Peter's room.

"So, Pete, I didn't find Daddy, but I found this" he held the book up to show the child. "That's okay, now read! Read!" He giggled. Tony sat beside him on the bed with a smile and turned to a page with a frog illustration. This seems kid friendly enough- he thought to himself, not actually knowing what this book was. He began reading it aloud.

Peter seemed content enough with this book, and it even interested Tony himself, until he reached the last sentence of the page—
"And then, the subject should turn into a frog..." his voice deepened with regret, "wait, what?"

Before his eyes, Peter began glowing, along with the book he held in his hands. Within seconds, a large cloud of smoke cleared with a loud bang, revealing a frog on the pillow where Peter had been-


"Oh, my God!" Tony placed a hand on his forehead.

Stephen, who was downstairs, was startled by an alarming noise from above him. What the? He thought to himself. Holy shit, it's Peter's bedtime, isn't it? He jumped up, worried for Peter's life, assuming it was probably something Tony did (he never listened).

He ran to the bottom of the stairs and stopped
"Stark!" He screeched before storming up to Peter's room.

Once he was at the door, he slammed it open, wondering if he possibly scratched or dented the wall, but being far too angry to care.
"Ah, shit..." Tony mumbled, with a hand hooked around his neck.
"What. Did. You. Do?" Stephen said, fuming after seeing a frog in place of his son. "And what the hell is that?"

"Uhh, well, do you remember our son Peter?" He nervously laughed, "meet him now..." the guilt was imminent in his voice as he gestured to the frog, but he plastered a small smile on his face in an attempt to calm Stephen- it didn't work...

"What did I tell you?" He began scolding Tony. "That it was my turn to tuck Petey in?" He responded.
"Not quite." The words grated between his teeth.
"To read him whatever books I can find?"
"Wrong again," Stephen began, "do you really not remember?! I have told you time and time again! Wong has told you time and time again! Even Peter has told you at least twice! You never read him my spell book!" He snatched to book from Tony and pointed at the words written on it- Stephen's Spell Book. Do not touch!
"They really should put the warnings before the spells..." Tony took a quick glance to the side, avoiding Stephen.
He just furrowed his eyebrows and continued to stare furiously at Tony.
"Just, please, fix this..." He was now trying to ignore Stephen's gaze.


"Jesus, Tony-"

"Stark!"- Mini Ironstrange AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang