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y/n y/l/n
derry, maine.
the quarry.
4:28 PM.
JUNE 1989.

i sat by the edge of the cliff above the quarry, with my best friend by my side.

"hey, y/n."

i looked at the girl beside me.

emma hill.
roughly 5"2', 13 years old.
long, silky, dark blonde hair.
dark, brown, shimmery eyes.
freckles across her cheeks and nose.
basically anything a girl wanted to be.

"what's up?"

she fiddled with the earrings that impaled her earlobes.

"okay, so. there's this guy-"

i smirk. "stanley urine, right?"

her eyes widened. "st-stanley uris." she corrected. "and yes. how did you know?"

i tilt my head, raising a brow. "you get all googly-eyed when we're around those losers. one time i focused on who you were looking at and it was that jew. it's obvious, you're not good at hiding it."

she furrows her eyebrows. "im good at hiding it!"

i smirk again. "if you were good at hiding it i wouldn't have known."

she smiles. "touche." she looks across the quarry. "you like that richie kid, right?"

"ew! what the hell! no! he's rude and arrogant and he gets on my last nerve. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."

she raised her eyebrows and grins. "you're being really defensive about-"

"no im not! he's stupid and i hate him!"

she snickers that turns into a laugh. "you're proving my point, y/n."

"shut up!!"

i heard the creaking of bikes. i quickly turned and saw a faded group of boys.


emma turned. "holy hell. stanley. stanley's here. i- i have to go." she quickly stood.

"what the hell?!" i stood. "you're not leaving me here!"

right as the gang stopped by us. she biked away, her saying, "sorry, y/n! ill see you later!"

"what the fuck!" i yelled after her.

"well, well, well, if it isn't the y/n y/l/n."

i glared at where the voice came from.

"what do you want richard." i asked rhetorically.

"hey, guys, can we not start right now?" stanley voiced.

i smiled, still glaring at richie. "yeah, let's not start right now."

"you're a bitch."

i growled. "oh, really?! you want to talk about someone being a bitch?!"

"yeah! 'cause you are one! you've been a bitch since the day we met and you've gotten bitchier each day-!"

"g-g-g-guys!! b-b-bowers gang!!" bill stuttered out.

my eyes widened as i heard a car revving and saw one riding towards us. (a.n. - okay this is physically not possible but it is now.)

"shit." i muttered.

5:03 PM.



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