Look After You

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If I don't say this now, I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate

To say I was living at Kate's since her separation from Sam was an understatement. I never seen her so upset. He broke her heart good. It took everything in me not to kill the bastard . She wasn't my Kate anymore. She was constantly blaming herself, constantly saying It wasn't her  fault. The bastard was the one who cheated on her, it wasn't her fault. Maybe I picked the wrong time to realize my feelings for her, but I couldn't help it,

"He's not coming back. Leo." She whispered.

A part of me wondered why the hell she wanted the man to come back to begin with? Then again the kids were Involved. Kate always put her kids first regardless of everything else going on in her life.

"I think that's for the best Kate." I whispered back.

"I wanted this to work Leo. I wanted my kids to have a stable home." She replied.

The tears were coming into her sapphire eyes as she leaned her head over onto my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her and held her close. This wasn't her fuels. None of this was he fault.

"He choose to leave, he tore this family apart. Not you. None of this is your fault Kate."  I replied gently.

I didn't want to preach to her, but at the same time I felt like she needed to be told it. If it I told her enough maybe she would believe it.

She birdied her face into my shoulder and cried. I held her close while she did so. I was going to take care of her through this. That's what best friends do.

"I Love You." She replied through her sobs.

Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you

"Leo, have you listened to a single word I Said?" Kate asked. She asked me out to meet for lunch. It had been a while since we caught up, but she seemed like herself again. She was smiling again and that made me extremely happy. However I knew this was more than a social lunching, she had to run something by me.

"You were talking about the kids starting school."I smiled.

She looked up at surprised that I had bend listing to every single word that she said.

"Yes. However I have some news. I'm seeing someone." She replied with a smile.

I hoped my face didn't drop like my stomach did. I felt like I was slowly losing her all over again. It wasn't no ones fault but mine for not telling her. I just i didn't want to see her get hurt.

"Oh? And he's a nice guy?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes as she leaned across the table to grab my hands a beautiful smile gracing  her face.

"He's very nice. I'd like you two to meet sometime Leo." Kate smiled.

I honestly had zero desire to meet this man. Kate was just finally getting over Sam, I didn't think she should be rushing Into this. However I couldn't deny her so I just nodded.

"Okay, but I can't promise you I'll like him." I replied.

She laughed and squeezed my hand tightly.

"You don't have to protect   me you know. I'm a big girl." She replied.

"That dosent mean I wont try to ."I replied.

She smiled and squeezed my hand reassuringly,

"So about your love life?" Kate asked with a smirk.

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