Paper Planes

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'I'm nothing. I'm trapped. I can't think. I can't breathe'

Her pen trailed across the paper, writing the words. The ink seeped into the paper, permanently trapping them. They were out of her head. They couldn't hurt her anymore. She folded the paper, corner to corner. Side to side until a plane was made. She took it and walked out of her house. She trailed up the steps and onto the roof of the flats she lived in. She stood close to the edge, her toes handing off. She took in a deep breath and pulled her arm back. She watched the plane as it left her fingertips and floated off into the air. It trailed across the skyline, soared above the streets, swooping over the skyscrapers. It was free, finally.

"I want to be that plane one day. I want to be free" She whispered, her eyes never leaving the slowly shrinking plane. Until she could no longer see the paper plane, she swung her feet over the edge of the building. Hundreds of feet off the ground, and no barrier to stop her. The city lights glistened, the lampposts creating a soft glow across the streets. She watched people rushing home, cars speeding past, but no one stopped. No one cared enough to look up at the pink and orange streaked sky, and take in the beauty of it all. If they had, they would have seen her, high up above them, watching the world go by.

'I got your letter. I feel it too. We're the same, you and me'

He scribbled on the white paper before folding it quickly. He grabbed it and ran outside. He didn't know where the plane came from, or if it was meant for him, but it felt like destiny. He had heard a tap on his window, just as the blade lay across his wrist. He went to see what it was and on his balcony floor, he saw a perfect paper plane. The stark white of the paper contrasted with the deep red of the scars on his wrists. He unfolded it, his hands shaking as he read the words.

'I'm nothing. I'm trapped. I can't think. I can't breathe'

Who had sent it? Who was it supposed to go to? Not him surely. He had no one. He didn't know what came over him, but he had the sudden urge to reply. To see if it would help. And it did. Admitting he felt the same, was therapeutic. It made him feel less lonely. It made him think of someone who felt the way he did. So, he let it go. He watched as the plane flew high, wondering where it would end up.

'I got your letter. I feel it too. We're the same, you and me'

Her eyes scanned the page. She gasped. Who had read it? How did they know? But if they feel the same, maybe they could help? So she replied.

'Who are you? How did you get this?'

She knew it was a stupid thought, to think that this plane might actually go to the exact same place as before, but she did it anyway. She threw the plane from the same spot she had so many times before.

'Who are you? How did you get this?'

He smiled at the fact that it reached them. Why was this happening? How could paper planes go to the same place every time? But somehow, he knew this was meant to be.

'It doesn't matter who I am, I'm nobody. And I did the same as you. I threw a plane'

'Do you think this is destiny?'

'I believe this is happening for a reason'

'Who are you? Who are you really? A boy? A girl? Where are you from?'

'My name is Maxxie, who are you?'

'Delphi. I'm Delphi Rivers'

'Why are you so sad Delphi Rivers? Who did this to you?'

'It doesn't matter. I don't matter. No one does'

'You matter to me. You saved my life the day you sent that plane'


'I had a blade to my wrist, you gave me hope Delphi. You gave me hope'

'You saved me too you know Maxxie, I was going to jump off the building. I just wanted to fly'

'You can fly, I think we all can. We just need to pick the right moment. And right now is not your moment Delphi Rivers. You're needed here'

'By who?'

'By me'

That night, Maxxie looked out of his window. He looked up and he saw a girl. She was standing on the edge of a building. And in her hand she held a paper plane. She looked down and her eyes landed on a boy. He was looking up at her through the window. And in his hand he held a paper plane.

When their eyes locked, they smiled. And on the count of three, they both let go of their paper planes.

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