i. FOREWORD [ epigraph + notes ]

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"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."
ー Helen Keller


She stood in front of the mirror and tentatively traced her reflection.

Slowly, she let the tendrils of silver slide across her irises, filling her gaze with a pearly glow. All the details around her, from the pores on her face to each strand of black hair, sharpened into startling definition.

She allowed illusionary trails of colour to form in the air, allowed them to ripple and undulate around her shoulders. With a stray line, she wove a small bird, which flew over her head before vanishing.

No matter how many times she did it, and in whose service, it still seemed unreal.

But, according to her mother, it had been her reality since birth.

She closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were once again a deep, coffee brown, and the sinuous swirls of colour were gone.


A   N O T E   F R O M   R A I N Y :

To readers new and returning, welcome to the rewritten version of Clarity, what was once a first-time Marvel Cinematic Universe fanfiction about a young woman with extraodinary powers of sight. I'm pleased to present Vanessa's story to you once more, this time better edited, formatted, and written. I hope you all enjoy it, and for returning readers, I hope you find it an improvement from before.

Right now, I don't have a firm updating schedule yet - I'm thinking Fridays, once I build up a buffer of completed chapters. Unfortunately, that may take a while. Offline life (believe it or not, I have one of those) keeps me busy, and other little projects are pulling me aside all the time. Not to mention, some things have been slightly revamped from the previous version, and it has cost me writing time to edit old chapters.

Clarity 2.0, as I sometimes call it, follows some more apparent themes beyond just action and drama that will slowly come together as the story progresses, and individual story arcs will be (ideally) ultimately more coherent with a greater, overaching plot line. Thanks to everyone who stuck with the story the first time round - I hope you're ready for Vanessa Liang again!


Friday, August 24th, 2018

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