Chapter One : Beginnings of a "Beautiful" Friendship

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You would think when you got to high school you would become more outgoing and friendly. Maybe even try to be popular. "Haha", says Tumblr and Netflix.

Little did I know, one of the most ridiculous classes would become one of my favorites. This class was not one of my favorites because of the "teacher" or the "work", but because of all the people that were in it. From the Mexicans who couldn't speak English to that girl that practiced witchcraft. The people made it memorable, except for Whu. I really hate that kid.

I made some friends that I would have never expected to. Like I was scared of those emo and scene kids. You see what I was dealing with? My little traditional life teachings told me to stay away from kids with too much eyeliner and mysterious sex lives.

But who would've thought they would show me a new world? A world of Kill la Kill, Black Butler, Hetalia, and Samurai Champloo. I mean I barely even knew who Hayao Miyazaki was back then.

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