Everyone's personalities b4 we Start

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Rs. Freddy: the "boss" but he doesn't act like it his best friends are the other RS.s and he doesn't like the scraps much he's also a little sarcastic...

Rs. Bonnie: shy and is more the boss of the group bcuz when he's serious he's SERIOUS he really likes hanging out with Rs. Chica he doesn't really get along with the scraps but he's ok with them...

Rs. Chica: bright and cheerful and she loves cooking with Happy Frog which she is teaching her how to cook and she's best friends with Scrap Baby she's a little sarcastic but not as much as Freddy...

Rs. Foxy: doesn't like Freddy much but he gets over it, he has a pirate accent and he gets along with Lefty very well...

Happy Frog: also bright and cheerful like Chica and she is Chicas apprentice in cooking she likes joking around but isl probably the nicest one there...

Mr Hippo: is very distant from everyone but also gets along with all of them too including Scraptrap he also likes programming for games...

Orville: likes hanging out with Mr. Hippo and does some magic tricks they don't know how he does it he's very secretive and doesn't like suprizes...

Pigpatch: loves making jokes and tells the truth all the time he likes playing the guitar and breaks it sometimes...

Scrap Baby: doesn't like the Rs.s much but the only one she likes is Rs. Chica she's the daughter of William Afton or Scraptrap she likes M. Freddy, Lefty, Helpy, Rs. Chica, and Scraptrap as friends and dad and she thinks of everyone else an enemy but the reader

Scraptrap: is self centered and doesn't like anyone but his daughter, he HATES the Rs. Animatronics and the only reason he will like M. Freddy is bcuz Ballora is a part of him

Lefty: stays to himself mostly he although he can talk he doesn't he uses sign language, he's best friends with Helpy which he likes, and is friends with Rs. Foxy

Helpy: is really nice to everyone and he really likes spending time with Lefty, and also loves helping when it's needed

M. Freddy: is a loner but he likes being the center of attention he absolutely HATES the Rs.s

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