black paint

7 1 0


there was nothing.

he stared at it for a while.

eventually, he dipped his paint brush into a bucket of black paint.

he got up out of his seat and walked over to the canvas. his brush glided from the left side, until it reached the end.

he painted until the canvas had transformed from completely white, to black.

he spoke softly, "blank"

a sudden noise came from behind him.

he turned his head and suddenly his whole body was facing the opposite way.

it was shrek.

he was face to face with the almighty.. s h r e k.

he had no words

shrek whispered into the boy's ear. "die bitch"

shrek punched through the boy's body and his whole arm was inside his stomach.

the boy died lol the end

blank canvas // auWhere stories live. Discover now