Chapter One

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I woke up to the most annoying sound to someone having a good dream. The noise came from my alarm clock. My hands reached and searched my dresser looking for the device that caused this dismay. I found it and hit the snooze button.

Next I looked over my king sized bed for Lynn but she wasn't there. I leaned up and scanned my over sized room for her. I found her under the bed. That's right, there was a thunderstorm last night. Whenever there's a thunderstorm Lynn hides under the bed.

“Lynn!” I called to her. She slowly walked from under the bed and hopped up onto my lap. I petted her head as she purred. Lynn was my pet Lynx. Well not really my pet, she was more of a friend and family member. My mom had given her to me a year ago before she died. And ever since we were friends.

I reached out and petted the top of her head before I slid out of bed. Today was the day. Today I had my final mission before I could officially be the heir of Ardus. I showered, dressed and headed for the door.

I went down to the training center for combat practice to touch up on my skills before the mission. The training room was a huge area with lots of weapons inside. Recently they added a small forest area for more of a real training session. When I walked in Winham, our instructor, had a sword in one hand and a dagger in another. I slowed my pace to a silent movement until I was behind him. He didn't seem to notice as he inspected something in his hand. I took a swing at the back of his head and before I knew it I had been knocked to the ground.

“You still need more training but your stealth skills have become quite good. Almost didn't hear you come in.” He said while still looking at the thing in his hand. "Almost."

Of course he heard me, Winham was a perfect.

A perfect is some one who has reached the peak of human potential by the use of Evolve. His grandparents used evolve and the enhancements passed on to him.  There are only 14 perfects left, that we know of. Winham was the strongest perfect alive which was good considering he was the only one we had while Cibum,our rival, had 13.

“You're pathetic to get knocked down like that.” A familiar voice came from near the halls. I looked up from the floor to see Micah and Ariel standing in the door way. “As if you guys could have done any better.” I exclaimed back.

Micah, Ariel, and I were really close, I would say we were like brothers and sisters but the feelings Micah and I have for Ariel pass that of siblings. Winham stuck his hand out to help me up. I took it and pulled myself up.

“Aren’t you the confident one, Micah?" Winham said with a smile. "Why don’t you come and try it?” 

“Well I would but If I hurt you whose gonna teach us?” Micah said, returning the smile.

“There’s a reason I’m teaching and your not.” Winham replied with superiority in his voice.

Micah and Ariel walked up and stood within inches of us. Ariel looked as beautiful as always. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of green and her dark hair made them stand out even more. Micah was handsome, tall and strong which made him popular with the ladies. I wasn’t as tall as him but I was known to be handsome. I was a prince so handsome comes with the title. I was prince Caleb of Ardus.

We all began training. All Perfects have a special ability and Winham's was making copies of himself. Which was probably why he was a teacher. Ariel was doing hand to hand while Micah and I were sparring with swords and Bows. We each had our own personal Winham teaching us. He said he could only make three copies so it was a good thing we were a small group.

When we were done training Winham called me over to him. He had something in his hand. He extended it out towards me.

“ I had this especially made for you.” I took the thing into my hands and observed it. It was a arm device with a special assassination knife and dagger shooter. This was perfect for my style of fighting. It must have been the thing Winham was observing when I walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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