Chapter 1: Rules

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These rules are current as of Feb. 27th, 2020.

As some of these prompts are inspired by media that I consume, feel free to use the ones that are unmarked. The one's marked with a ° in their chapter name are my original ideas and I would like credit if you use them.

You don't have to ask to use a prompt. Use it as you like and tag me, because I would love to see what you wrote! It doesn't even have to be writing-- Art is anazing too!

If somebody else used the prompt, you can still use it. As long as you don't plagiarize from their story.

The prompts that are inspired by other media are not my own ideas and therefore aren't mine. If anybody wants to know where they're from, I'll post the original content it's from in the chapter itself.

Prompted: for the Struggling Writer!Where stories live. Discover now