Part 1

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You're not going to believe this, but I saw Joey literally holdin' a good sized pocket knife and cutin' his arm! 'Tasn't a whole lot of blood, but it sure did look like it was enough to summon some kinda demon an' such. Sure, it might sound a 'lil crazy, but this is somethin' that you'd better be believin'! I mean, Joey's been actin' weird lately― and I don't mean the "normal" type of wierd. What I mean is that Joey's bein' weirder than normal! 'Even asked Norman 'bout all 'tis, an' even he said that Joey's newest "act" was very much weird. Damn, even the projectionist, the guy who pretty much knows all of this studios secrets, is callin' the arm cuttin' weird! Someday, an' hear me out, someday, I freakin' swear that this place, right where I'm standin', is gonna be CRAWLING with demons as far as the eye can see!




No halo glowed in the darkness. There was no light, no shining ray that signaled that this was the end. No, for this was just one more trip down into this inky hell that was once known as a "happy and fun".

And Norman knew this well...

He knew this very well.

Dragging his feet through the thick ink that created an ocean on the floors, Norman wondered where he was even going. Sure, he didn't quite remember everything just yet, and he sure didn't where he was or what he was or why all he could only see was black, but he did know that were many evil creatures that lived in this dark place. They were all very dangerous, despite if Norman looked more frightening compared to them. He knew that they could do something horrible to him, that is only if he let them.

Norman didn't really like to fight. If he could choose, he would choose talking with the inky creatures over fighting 'em any day. The projectionist even tried doing that once. It didn't quite end the way he wanted it to end.

That was pretty unfortunate on Norman's part.

But then, Norman stopped when a soft whisper moved throughout the echo-ey hallways. He curiously tilted his projection head upwards, trying to listening past the voices so that he could hear the softer one...


Ohhhhhhh??? What's this???? MMMMMMMMmMMMMMmMMMMmmmmmmmm????

Another-- *dramatic gasp*


Well, it's actually a little short story, but yeah, same thing basically.

So, I've been waiting to write another story, and now I have this...

But all's good! All's fine!

And I second chapter will be coming... If I ever get to writin' it, that is... 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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