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My Last Story To You

It was warm— the sun that reflected on my skin as soon as I stepped outside.

"Brennan? You're early today. Good morning." I said as I saw him and he just nodded.

We started to walk, the usual thing. He always picks me up at my house and walks me to school and then he goes to his work after. Why so? He's somewhat older than me, hehe. A gentleman isn't he? But today, he seems...what's the word?— ah yes, distant. I know I'm so unfair. Even with his consistency, these days I've been kind of busy. I've had my mind on many stuff and I haven't made enough time for him. To the point that I don't seem to remember to message him even just a word.

"We're here, Tristana." He said, pulling me out from my thoughts. "Oh? Hehe thank you Bren!" I leaned in and kissed him, well tried to. He dodged my kiss. "What's wrong?" I said, looking worried. Though, his next words is what worried me more.

"Let's talk later."


School bell rang, signalling it was lunch. But even though I was in school this whole time, I felt that my whole being was wandering outside, thinking about his words earlier as if it was repeatedly echoing in my mind.

"Heeey! Tristana? You there?" My friend said.

"Eh? Oh sorry hehe. Let's go." We went to the cafeteria as usual and then I saw him there. It was kind of an unusual view because you rarely visit my school. Brennan approached me and dragged me all the way to a classroom. Silence— no, our heavy breathings filled the room. He didn't speak until both of us calmed down from all the running.

"Listen Tristana.. I know you know what I meant by what I said earlier right?" That's the first thing he said. I was afraid. I just want to stop the time, or even rewind it. Back to when we were just fine, when we were still happy, when I wasn't this busy.

"Sigh. Sorry, but I.. I'm not happy with this anymore. I hope you understand. But we still had the best memories right? L-Let's both move on okay? I know we're not both happy anymore with this. And, I'm in a new relationship now. S-S-Sorry.." With those words he said, he walked out of the room leaving me speechless.

It took me ten seconds to process what happened. It's over. My eyes suddenly got blurry and some liquid started coming out that's when I realized I was crying. I just let them out, I just let myself cry. I didn't care anymore if I'm gonna have to skip classes.


"Tana? Tana? Hey wake up." Someone was shaking me lightly. I looked up and saw who it was.

It was a dream?

Tears came out again, "H-Hey... are you crying? Tana? Don't cry please. I'm here okay?" He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. That didn't do anything to stop me from crying, it made me cry even more. We were back at our classroom. I was just dreaming. It was all a dream.

"S-Say Bren, you wouldn't break up with me right?" I told him, panickly, with a hint of desperateness in my eyes.

"What are you saying?" He looked away suddenly.

"I dreamt of you breaking up and...and left me and..." I was stuttering. I was hoping you'd say no.

"I-I brought you here 'cause when I was about to leave you but then you collapsed. But turned out you were sleeping. T-Tana, w-what I said was true...what happened was true. I-I am breaking up with you."


I-I was supposed to have a happy ending right? With him. So why...why is
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lyrangina Ayan na tiiiiiiih. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ako na lang daw magpublish. Alaws na raw siyang watty app. Hihihihe :*

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