Very smutty... 💦

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I found this story on Tumblr, so I give the full credits to whoever this wrote. It is a very good story btw. 💦😏

Jacks POV

I was laying on the bed watching Tv. Flipping through the channels trying to find something interesting.

Then Y/n comes in. In only her lace underwear and t-shirt with a laundry basket in her arms. She accidentally drops a sock and sets the basket down to pick it up.

Her back is to me as she picks up the sock. That was just enough to make my jeans get a little tight. I wanted to fix myself before she sees what she did to me.

Y/n turns to me and asks if I could turn on some music. Which I do because I wasnt really doing anything on the tv anyways.

I turn on Caroline by Aminè. She starts dancing and I couldn't help but to watch. Her ass and breast were bouncing and that brought up some late night memories. My pants were super tight by this point.

I looked at her with so much lust. She was shaking everything, if only she knew what she was doing to me. Once she started twerking a little bit is when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Y/n. Baby come here" I said while rubbing my member a little bit. She turned around to look at me then she looked down at what I was doing with my hand.

"Jack. No, not until I'm done folding and putting the laundry away" she smirked.

I crawled off the bed, walking towards her. "C'mon baby. We can have so much more fun, than you just putting the clothes away" I say pushing my bulge against her backside.

A little moan left her mouth and that just turned me on more. Then she pushes me away.

"Jack I have to clean." She said going back to folding our clothes and putting them away in the closet. "Fine." I said walking off into the bathroom.

I'm too frustrated for this. 'I thought to myself.' I went to the cabinet in the bathroom, opening it and grabbing the fluffy cuffs, gag, and rope for her feet.

I went back into the bedroom, smirking I walk behind her again because of course she's still folding clothes but not for long.

I pick her up by her waist. "Jack.... w-what are you doing" once she spotted the rope, gag, and cuffs she was trying to get out of my grip.

I made sure she couldn't get out of it. I want this right now, she's been teasing me just by walking around here in her underwear.

I cuff her to the head board "J-jack" I put my hand over her mouth, bringing my mouth down to her ear.

"I don't want you to speak unless you are spoken to. Got it." I said in a suducive voice. She nods her head.

"Speak and call me Daddy." I demand.

"Y-yes, Daddy" she says in a sexy way that turns me on so much.

I put the gag around her neck letting it rest there for later use. I leave the rope over to the side just in case I need it later.

I take my pants off leaving me in my t-shirt and breifs. I rub my member just a little bit. She watches me, oh my lord she's so gorgeous and I just want to make that little mouth scream my name.

As I move up to her face, I'm hovering over her. She starts swirming a little bit.

Once again I bring my mouth to her ear, but i nibble on it a little bit before saying..

"I want to make you scream my name." I slide my hand up to her breast and squeeze them a little bit. "We are going to go all night." I move my hand down to her thighs, rubbing them a little bit before I open them and place my body between her legs.

She gladly wraps her legs around my waist. Slowly I start moving my hips against hers. She moans a little bit, I let it slide this time cause I don't blame her. She feels amazing against my member, but its nothing compared to the real thing.

Finally I lift up and take my briefs off and get back down in between her legs, sliding her soaking underwear to the side and placing my member at her entrance.

Once I'm placed I ram into her. Earning a loud moan out of her, I keep thrusting into her speeding up as I go. She's an uncontrollable moaning mess.

I bend down hovering over her still thrusting. I slow down a little bit only to put the gag in her mouth and then I speed back up.

"Oh, my ma-- JAAACK!!" Shes screaming my name and im so close. I have her bent over the bed thrusting hard.

"Ja- oh im c-close" she says through my thrusts. I pull out and get on my knees, grabbing her ass and bringing my mouth closer to her hot entrance.

She moans once I make contact. "Don't come unless you have permission" I moan while still working on her.

I'm so lost in her, I dont hear the door open until y/n is squirming so much I have to stop and look at her.

She was looking towards the door. I look where the door is, there was Daniel with a girl named Maia he's been talking to for a while now.

I just scratch the back of my head. "Heyyy.. What are you doing home?" Then a moment of realization comes over me and I cover up my girl.

Daniel chuckles "I was trying to have a little fun with Maia, but I can see it's a little occupied here."

I look at Y/n and then I get the biggest smirk on my face. "How does Maia feel about whips, rope, and gags?"

I hope y'all like it! I'll update soon! X

Jack Avery smut 😛Where stories live. Discover now