CHAPTER ONE: Murder In A Forest

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My heart was pounding as my feet thundered against the dark earth. My breathing becoming strained as I gasped in lungfuls of cold air. Darkness coated the forest about an hour ago, I've been running blindly trying to avoid falling in the natural terrain. My body is brutally sore from the scratches and bruises this journey has given me. My legs are burning, short bursts of pain licking my muscles like red hot flames, begging for a moments rest. But I can't rest, I got to keep moving, I've made it halfway across the country and haven't even slowed my pace.
I'm like a deer running from the hunter, I can't run forever though. I sigh knowing that my body is wearing down I need to rest. I plop down amongst the dense scrub oak and lean against the closest tree. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to come.
I awake to the sound of soft laughter my eyes hazily look at my surroundings. I try to stand up but I'm tied to the tree with dense rope. I thrash around hoping to escape my confinement the tree sways but it's not budging an inch. Suddenly the sound of scraping metal brings my attention to the nearest boulder. A young woman in what appears to be her early 20's sits on it sharping her already sharp katana. Her golden hair brushes against her perfectly sculpted face her blue eyes pierce into mine. The daylight makes her appear as an angel sent down from the heavens, but I have a feeling the demons are lying in wait. I'm unnerved by her otherworldly beauty as I try to pinpoint any flaws in her marvelous appearance. She places her katana on the boulder and walked over to me, a smile pulling at her cheeks. But I soon realize it isn't a friendly one, it's the smile of a cat who finally caught its prey.
"You know it's not very gentlemanly, to have a young lady chase you halfway across the land just to meet you." Her blue eyes lit up with excitement as she smirked at his discomfort. "Well John, I have to give you credit your very quick on two legs but I'm sure eventually even the toughest guys need a break." She laughed like tolling bells a beautiful yet terrifying melody of death. I knew my time had come to an end as she walked over to grab her large katana. I glanced over at the beautiful wild roses that surrounded the small clearing where I sit, enjoying one last glance at true beauty.
"Do you like roses John?" She asks her eyes settling upon the bushes of wild roses. I nod wishing that things could of been different. I know who this women is, she is known as Mera Mosa and she is feared and kills anyone who is unlucky enough to cross her path, I am sadly one of those people.
"Mera Mosa." "Your name, is known everywhere and your deeds are burned into every, man, women, and child in this horrible kingdom that I've called home." Her eyes narrowed and her face became grim. "I know that all to well John." She swung her sword before I could even blink. I watched as my body fell to the ground my head no longer connected to my shoulders. My head plops against the cold earth below and for a brief moment I watch, as Mera Mosa plucks a white rose off the nearest bush and plants it within my eye the pain only lasting a moment I finally disappear into the darkness.
I glance at Johns decapitated head, the white rose in his left eye, turning into a bloody shade of red. I clean off my sword and begin the hike into the next town.

AUTHORS NOTE: There's chapter one, I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and leave your opinions I would like to hear what you thought of the first chapter. I may not post another chapter for a while I've got quite the busy week but I'll do my best. Thank you for giving this story a shot!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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