Romance Scene

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Written by Yours Truly.
However, since I'm known to trigger people with my thoughts, and seeing as this chapter is literally gonna be what I thought and wrote, I have some warnings and notices beforehand.

First off, this is a scene I wrote for a story I am working on in private. So, yeah, this is completely new to y'all, and it won't reveal anything too much, except the most likely names for the characters and a bit if foreshadowing of an event that happened before this scenario bc, well— logic.

Secondly, it's gay. Not like, "Oh Bella you so gay gurl" no. It's literally about a gay couple.

I've been reading a lot of articles and blogs lately about how to write certain things and scenes so don't worry, I've been doing useful things.
I also learnt because of that, that there's a severe lack and a severe need for LGBTQ+ characters in books— but that many straight people don't know how to add gay characters in their story without making it cliche or bad.
It's apparently a thing that many authors make their villain gay, or they kill a gay character off for the sake of the non gay protagonist ( w t f )

And third, no, they won't have sex. In this scene not at least (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'll need to research that more lmao I'm just praying daily that nobody ever decided to read my search history if you know what I mean

Fourth, I worked really hard on this scene. I edited a shit ton, redid it, and oof.
But I'm proud.
I'm proud of my daily growing English vocabulary.

Btw it's 840 words


I brilliantly titled this scene

Hotel kissing scene


In an attempt to make people understand Asperger Syndrome better, aka what I have along with many others

I made Emmett have it
There's this one paragraph in here that actively shows he has it
See if you can find it


## hotel kissing scene

Emmett flopped down next to Beau, the mattress creaking softly as extra weight was added.
The sheets were thick and wholly, yet soft and not ticklish, but honestly, Emmett couldn't care less.
He was beat, tense and damp from sweat, and figured Beau was too— a deep sigh from Beau, who turned around to lay on his left side, facing Emmett.

Beau's forehead was shimmering wet, visible even in the dim light coming from outside, through the window— it was starting to get pretty dark outside.
His amber locks were disheveled and messy along the frame of his diamond shaped face, his lips slightly parted as soft, short huffs of breath were blown through.

Emmett's own icy blue eyes met with Beau's emerald green eyes, which were watching him through thick eyelashes.

Emmett's first thought was that the other looked desirably seductive, distracting his mind from the horror that was death they only barely escaped from. He didn't want to think about it, distraction was very welcome.
Leftover adrenaline, and the want to touch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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