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April 1545

The king of England got news from the physician that it would be best to prepare the royal succession. Prince Edward was just too sickly and might not survive long as king. The king reluctantly did so. Edward would be king and if he died( Which he most likely will) then Mary would be queen and if she died then Elizabeth would be Queen. The king betrothed Elizabeth to Henry Brandon and they would marry after Edward did. He wanted to marry Mary to someone but she was 30 and all the men In his court were younger or older.

August 1545

Charles Brandon died and his oldest son Edward was made Duke of Suffolk. Edward kicked out his bitter stepmother. She always got on his nerves. ( She got on mine in the show)

September 1545

The King spent all his free time with Mary and Edward even on Elizabeth's birthday! Her betrothed Hal Brandon did everything he could to cheer her up. When Queen Katherine Parr found out she had to remind her husband the king that it was his daughters birthday. He sent for his daughter to come to court and in record time put together a birthday feast for her. That night before she went to bed she asked simply why Doesn't he love her? He responded that he does it's just she reminds him of her " Traitor" mother. Elizabeth just told him stop punishing her for something she had no control over.

December 1545

Queen Katherine Parr sent gifts to her three step children especially Elizabeth. She loved Elizabeth and pitied the child who has grown up with no love or mother. 

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