Kiyomi Prinzessin Von Nitta

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Kiyomi Prinzessin Von Nitta ( 清水姫、ニッタフォン Shimizu Hime, Nitta fon) is one of the main heroines of Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA. In the third season, Kiyomi becomes the new central protagonist, succeeding Illya. She is also a young Magus, as well as a Pseudo-Heroic Spirit of the Caster-Class, and appears in Fate Grand Order as a deuteragonist and the servant of Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Birthday: June 7

Age: 11-13

Gender: Female

Family: Reina Von Nitta (Mother), Hiroshi Aina (Father), Gilgamesh (Boyfriend)

Type: Human, Magus, Magical Girl
Servant (FGO)

True Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 34kg

Noble Phantasm: Aestus Domus Aurea

Attribute: Neutral

Traits: Female, Humanoid, Servant, Pseudo-Servants, Weak to Enuma Elish

Japanese VA: Yui Shouji

English VA: Kate Higgins

Nicknames: Princess, Kiyomi-chan, Bride Caster, Pretty, Darling, Kiyomi-hime

Kiyomi originally was born into the Nitta family, in order to participate in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, while also having the abilities of a Heroic Spirit, due to fusing with one at birth. She was already raised at a young age to live her life as a normal girl until she was old enough to join the Mage's Association and learn how to properly use magic. Due to carrying a small fragment of the Holy Grail, she is also able to grant certain miracles or wishes, if she truly desires it, no matter what conditions.



Kiyomi's past is similar to her fate/stay night counterpart, in which she was originally supposed to be in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War as a master, but never was instead due to her upbringing and Irisviel abandoning the technique. With that, she was raised normally, with the hopes of becoming a Magus when older and to be under the tutelage of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

Her parents were often working overseas, handling the duties of being in the Mage's Association or involved in their magecraft, thus she is often left in the care of her maids and butler, but spends most of her time with Illya and Shirou in their house. Without any knowledge of her abilities, she grew up living a normal life, til the day Ruby appeared, along with Rin and Luvia.


She is a young girl with petite skin and an average bust size for her age. She shares most of her mother's traits, thus having long bright orange hair and blue azure eyes. She most desires to wear her hair in a long side ponytail, thinking that it looks cute that way to her. Throughout the series, she wears a variety of clothes, but her most casual outfit is her school uniform and summer outfit.

In the third season, she wears a yellow shoulderless top with black strips and a black skirt, along with pink shoes. When using her Caster powers, she changes into a bridal-like dress with white ribbons in her hair, tying it and a white rose on her dress and shoes. She grows a more mature figure, looking around in her teen years. Although using the Caster class card, she wears a white and red and revealing outfit like Nero Claudius. When using the eighth card class, she gains a golden dress, and a bow resembling Atalanta and Gilgamesh's shoes, combining both Archer cards.

Fate/Kaleid Liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!!: The Caster and the ArcherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin