Before we blast off!

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Copyright© 2018 by
( TheAfricanNerd ) a.k.a. Me a.k.a. Paapa Kwesi Quansah.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means: photocopy, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's unique imagination, or used in a fictitious manner. Any semblance to actual persons, living, deceased, undead, or to actual events or places is entirely coincidental.

D E D I C A T I O N.

I unreservedly dedicate this work to God Almighty who gave me the strength, wisdom, paitence and knowledge to write this book.
This also goes to my mum. I love her too much and I'm sure she loves me too.*scratching head unsure and then shrugs*

D E T A I L S  O F  T H E  B O O K.

I seriously intended writing something here but then I thought Who in hell, cares about when this book was started or the fact that the characters in the book grew up with me and they're like siblings who knew me better than myself? Then my nine thousand, seven hundred and sixty-first multiple personality (Yes, I've given them numbers.) answered for me, We do. So, to keep my multiple personalities from driving me insane, here goes...

Date begun: Well, when I was three years old, I started dreaming about them, so, you do the math.

Status: Still uncompleted.

Update Trend: Usually depends on the mood of the Internet at home.

T H A N K  Y O U !

Thank you so much for choosing to read my book. It means so much to me. It also goes to show that the sleepless nights I spend writing to churn out this book so that you guys can escape your lives, even if it's for a little while is very much appreciated. Thanks again!

A U T H O R' S  N O T E

  First of all, if you have any constructive criticism, please leave a comment. Don't rant! It doesn't show good training which I'm sure many of you have.
  Secondly, don't compare my work with others. I know there might be similarities to other stories but it is entirely coincidental.
  Thirdly, please forgive me for any errors made. This is my first book and I'm still learning to navigate the Writer's Jungle. *lets out a girly, ear-splitting high-pitched scream and leaps wildly with hair flying everywhere as a huge writer's block in the form of a rabid tiger chases me. I shout to it as I run,'Come on, I didn't expect the story to be that good.' It growls back,'Well, no shit, Sherlock!' *
Suggestions are very welcome. Just drop me a dm.
  Also, I'd like to remind you that a kind word never hurt anybody. Comment! Please. I really like it when one of my readers tell me that he/she lived in the chapter as it progressed or that he/she can relate to a particular character in the chapter. Please, take time to read and let me know what you think. Bad? Good? Funny? Relatable? Too much drama? Too quirky?
  Finally, Please *on my knees pleading with hands clasped above my head and having sad eyes* vote if you like what you read. It only takes a second but you don't know what an adrenaline rush I have when someone I don't even know, on the opppsite end of the globe, actually presses that little star. It's as if you are right here sitting beside me giving me a handshake and saying to me,' Kiddo, well done! I really enjoyed that chapter.' OR 'Good Job! That chapter really made my day.'

W A R N I N G !

Now we've finally reached my favourite part; the caution. You see, I'm a little bit odd. My mother down the stairs shouts,' Paapa, don't you dare lie to them or I'm gonna climb these stairs and whoop your ass for the third time today.' *voice shaking and stammering* 'S-s-sure thing, ma!'
You see,"a bit odd" is like the understatement of the century. I'm a lot odd. *scratching head* Is that correct? Oh well. So expect a lot a weirdness in the author's notes. *smiling like Slender man and holding a bloodied knife.*
N O W , E N J O Y !  O R  E L S E ?

'Paapa! did I just hear you threaten the readers on Wattpad? That's it! I'm coming up there and I'm gonna spank you till you bleed!', My mum shouts up the staircase. 'Bye, Gotta go.'
*Jumps out of window onto a moving garbage truck whiles shouting, 'Muum! I owe most of my bad life choices to you!'*

Q U E S T I O N S  O F  T H E 
U P D A T E .

My not-yet-murdered readers,
I have this weird fetish *no, not like that you dirty minds* *shakes head and wonders where the innocence of twenty-first century kids have vanished off to*, where I answer the wackiest, most insane questions from my readers. So, whether story-related or non story related, ask away. Only unique and crazy accepted here. Wanna know anything? Just ask.

Want to know whether I've killed one of my teachers before? Ask away, though the answer to that one is a "Yes". *Two cops materialise behind me and cuff me. Oh shit. Muum! I'm going for my mid-term vacation at the station AGAIN! Be sure to bail me out before two weeks pass THIS time okay? I've got to go to Jay's birthday next week. I screech at my mum. She screams back, Well, I'm going to the Bahamas tomorrow, you idiot. Didn't I tell you not to kill anyone till you knew how not to post it on the Internet? But noooo! You had to blab about it on Wattpad. Wait till your dad gets home. You'll really be screwed then!*
I know. I know. I've been told so many times. My parents are awesome!! Love you ma. She responds back by shouting, 'Are you on drugs? Because if you are on drugs again, I'm not paying for rehab again!'

Or whether I've ever had a crush with that beautiful girl in class with the shining, bright blue eyes *Slips into daydream and continues dreamy voice* and those blond curls... *Mum smacks me on the head with a rolling pin and I snap out of the daydream. Painfully!* 'Come on princess, I need your help in the kitchen.' She orders me. 'But I'm a boy.' I reply pouting. She hits the palm of her right hand with the rolling pin repeatedly. 'Do you really wanna argue with me about that right now, princess?' She asks menacingly. *I swallow hard and I start skipping around my room* 'Everyone, look at me, I'm a pretty Princess.'

Any who! Away from my life. I want your questions. Let's make this book awesome. Give me your weird, wacky, sick, odd, out-of-this-universe questions and I will answer. But be warned. If it's too morbid, I will find you and let my dog Bruno on you. *The man's terrified screams are cut short as his intestines are ripped out by a huge black and white Alsatian foaming white at the mouth whiles his deep red blood pools beneath him.*

My mum shouts to me (The answer to your question is yes! That's the way we normally communicate. #screamthehousedown)
Paapa, are you killing someone again?
Oh shit!

His Awesome Wierdness,

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