The Beginning

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It all started when I was four years old. My mother was twenty four, my father twenty five. We had recently moved about a thousand miles south due to my dad didnt care for the cold much and decided we should move before I was old enough to start school. We ended up living in a small house in the city on the same block as a gas station.

We lived there for about a month or two already, my mother had just finished vacuuming the floor, she put the vacuum away, then went the kitchen to start preparing for dinner while she was waiting for me to fall asleep for my afternoon nap. I liked to sit on the couch and look outside, I felt like it was a more peaceful atmosphere than being in a room looking at the walls. For some reason looking at the walls made me uneasy.

Once she knew I was sound asleep she went to the gas station to get a half gallon of milk so she could make dinner while I was taking a nap on the couch. She made sure to lock all of the doors while she was gone. She knew she would be back in 5 minutes or less. Back then a five or ten minute errand was OK as long as precautions were made to ensure no freak accidents would happen. Takes longer to use the bathroom

About a minute or two after she left I woke up because I felt what I thought was my mom bumping the couch,what I actually felt was more like an energy pulse like when you put magnets close to each other and they push away from each other. It was like Whoosh and then it was gone. As soon as I opened my eyes I knew something was happening that I would never forget. The couch with me still on it was floating in the air about 6 to 12 inches off the floor, I looked around trying to figure out who was moving the couch. Once I realized there was no one there. I tried to stay calm,  for some reason I felt as though if I freaked out, or tried to get off of the couch, things were going to go badly. The couch then proceeded to move around the corner of the living room and lowered itself back down to the floor, note; this couch had a full sized pull out bed inside of it. It weighed a couple hundred pounds.

I was still trying to grasp what had happened and still sitting on the couch when my mom came back about 2 minutes later. She said You woke up. , and looked at me for a good couple seconds then asked are you OK?, I was only gone for a couple minutes. You look scared? then she realized the couch was not where it was when she left for the store 5 minutes ago. How did you move the couch? She said.

I said I didnt, I woke up because I felt it move, I thought you were moving it.

She said, You know I cant move that, its too heavy. Then she got real nervous and started examining the carpet for footprints to see if someone came in somehow and was playing a joke on us, our neighbor liked to play jokes on us sometimes. There were no footprints. Immediately she called me to get off the couch and go to the kitchen with her where she frantically left a note for my father that we were going to be at his moms house and said "Come immediately", "Do not go in the house" " Will explain when you get here" she then grabbed a roll of scotch tape and taped the note to the front door, made sure she locked the door, and then we walked to my Grandmas house which was only about a mile away. She carried me most of the way, she said I couldnt walk fast enough to keep up. She was almost jogging. I said I'm only 4 mom, my legs aren't big enough, and giggled at her.

My dad came to get us as soon as he saw the note on the door, he didnt go inside the house just like my mom had hoped for, she didnt want the area disturbed before she could tell him what had happened and let him investigate for himself.

After his investigation was complete, the vote was "I can't explain what happened but there has to be a reasonable explanation."
So, that was it. What happened to me was "reasonable", I knew my dad would figure it out.

I could tell it made my parents uneasy for the next couple weeks but we couldnt afford to move so we had to be tough and stick it out.

So there it is, My first experience with the paranormal. That wasn't so bad now was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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