The truth about this account

Hey guys, Erica here. I've decided to come clean about this account; this account is an anon account. The account was originally made to try to get ahold of someone who was harassing one of the people on here. We never expected to get so many followers and make friends on here, and I apologise for this. My real name is Tori, I was Erica.

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Hey, it's Jasmine. No that's not really my name. It's actually Kandace. People call me by my nicknames though. Go ahead and hate. Look we honestly didn't know people would like us. Like the people we were pretending to be. It's fucked up I know. I thought we should continue doing it because we actually do want to help you guys out. I noticed a lot of people always seeming sad and depressed or lonely. Basically any bad type of emotions. I wanted to try and be there for anyone of you guys. I know what's it's like to be going through shit and not have anyone. I probably should've come clean sooner but I thought it was best nobody knew anyone of us. I'm super sorry about the inconvenience. Our personalities are real. The pictures and names were just fake. I'm sure we'll be getting hate comments about how we're fake and catfished. Trust me I never thought I would have even made an account involving pretending to be someone I'm not. I've been catfished on here multiple times. I hope you all understand. We love you all. Have a good day lovelies <3

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