Men have Feelings

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In today's society men are portrayed as emotionless douche bags. As a guy growing up in such a society had me question why.
Why can't a guy feel things and show how he truly feels about things. Well I have an answer for that. 
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Well as a guy I can say that getting into relationships only lead to heartbreak. When a guy shows his emotions it's considered weakness. 99% of the time it is used against us. So we usually hide our feeling behind a hard heartless wall. So when women get mad that guys don't feel anything, it's the monster they created. Not singling anyone out. It is females as a whole. So when you see a guy who is a fuck boy, take a minute and think about all the hurt he has been through instead of judging him. Hasn't he been judged enough. His solution to the problem is not to stay around long enough to get attached, to get hurt. Maybe he actually wants to settle down for once, but every time he does it all ends with suffering and depression. So before everyone goes on judging him how about talking to him. Get to know his hurt. Get to know his past. Show him that you care instead of whispering  mean things about him behind his back. So my point still stands men do have feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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