meet Marin dupeng cheng

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marin pov

marirn wake up and get ready for your first day of school, i hear my mom scream so i could hear her ! i wake up and my eyes because im tired from patrol,i couldn't help but wonder who the new female chat noir was. Just then theres an explosion, I transform into my ladybeetle costume so i can go check it and i see a black and white villain on  a glider demanding chat noir and ladybeetles miraculous's.

Give me the miraculous or i'll kill paris's new female model,you're bluffing,you wanna bet , he suddenly drops her and i jump and land on the ground with her in my arms. Are you ok adri uh i mean mam ,uh yeah,ok get to somewhere safe,im the new chat noir, wait what, plagg CLAWS OUT. The actress that i saved suddenly turns into lady chat and uses cat acclism on the drawing pad that he was holding. i then use the yoyo to devilize the akuma and then the civilian turns back to my best friend mark and i ask him in my bad superhero impression if he's ok. Are you ok sir,um yes thanks to you guys,all in a days work. Hey lb you gotta sec,um yeah wassup.

Can we talk alone on a building. Yeah sure. So what did you wanna talk about,cut the games Marin i know it's you. How long have you known,for a few months ever since we were in highschool, I probably should tell you something too,Marin i'm lady chat, I know and the truth is i love you. I kiss her passionatly and ask her to be my girlfriend and she obviously said yes.

i go home to detransform and talk to alan on the phone about what happened because i told him my identity.

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