The day i was born

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Heyy guyzz! This is my first book , and yah the first chapter of it. Plzz dont judge me , if u have any questions just comment and ill surely reply.
About this story i don't want to say much, its just a simple yet unique story about a girl who comes from a small town and with that the challanges she has to face and maybe much more. THANK YOU!!😙😙

June 20, 1998

I gradually open my eyes, everything seems so different. There is a new feeling inside me and something's beating inside me.
I can see people staring at me and mumbling words , but I can't really pin point what they are saying.
It seems they are smiling but their eyes show different emotion, emotion which is far different from joy.
"It's a girl" , I hear somebody shouting. The lady standing infront of the door was quite happy but after hearing those words, she shows the exact opposite emotion of joy.
Im tightly wrapped in a towel and taken outside of that room. I can see a huge crowd gathered, probably they were waiting for me, but as their eyes land on me , i can see the distaste in their eye. I can't understand why they are acting like this, they should be happy about me, but no i think i have made a mistake.
"It's a girl".
"No way".
" i knew she was cursed".
"Probably the mother has ruined someone's life, no wonder she gave birth to a daughter again".
That's the only thing I can hear people saying. The pain, sorrow, hate was all for me.
My eyes land on a man , its not difficult to notice him as he's the only one who's truely happy. He gently takes me in his hand , afraid to harm me in anyway. It dosen't take me a second to guess that he's my father. Only a father can be this happy to see his child, no matter a girl or a boy.
I see the joy radiating off his body . And his smile is the most beautiful thing i have seen so far.
"How come you're so happy, its a girl not a boy, she will ruin you, i can't let you waste your money on her, girls are better dead than to be kept, your son would have helped you, but maybe you'r unfortunate." A man states angrily at my father. I just stare at him, how can he held so much hatred for me, I am just a child. I haven't done anything wrong, so why are they angry at me. My father just brushes off his statement and wraps me around his arm.
My eyes are searching for someone , but i don't know who.
"Bring me my child", I hear someone saying.
I am again taken to the same room. Their on the bed lies a lady who seems to have tears of joy and a huge smile, I just smile at her. The lady pecks me on my cheeks and forehead.
She starts to cry, but I can't understand why, in her eyes I see happiness but than why is she crying, it takes me a moment to realize that it's her way to show how happy she is, her eyes shine brightfully when I smile at her and she pecks me on my lips. Their's a mirror infront of me and for the first time I can see my self, my eyes are just like my mother, round, bright and in a deep shade of brown. My lips are very small as compared to my face. My nose is all round and small  and my cheeks are a deep colour of pink. My mother is holding my hands but compare to hers' my hands are really small and round. I am the complete opposite of monster so why do they hate me?, i haven't harmed them so why are they angry?, is it just because im a girl.
I dont know what future awaits for me but i am quite aware of it that there will be surely struggle and hardships because...... I am a girl.

I hope guyz u can understand the true meaning behind it. There are still some places where girls are treated as trash and not given rights or education. Please support me and do vote plzz plzz plzz, ill be really thankful. Ill update twice a week. 😙😙and love you all

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