love letter to: them

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Walking into a room, my gaze strives to find yours, only to find you looking at someone else. I walk in your direction hoping for a sign you know my name, but am sadly met with an empty glance. With that same glance I hold my breath unknowingly and as our eyes break so does my heart, Knowing you'll never know how I truly feel. How every time you speak you voice is the only noise I can focus on. Or how every time you laugh my heart takes a leap. How I've memorized every freckle on your face. How I admire how deep your dimples can go. how much I would love to comb my fingers through your hair. You're my definition of perfect put into human form yet I can never call you mine. Your name sits on the back of my tongue daring to get your attention. Especially when you're  late, looking for you in the swamp of people only to get faced with nothing but empty faces. anxiety rises as once again, your name is all I can speak, and every cell in me is praying you walk through the door. Five minutes later you do and I'm back to thinking of how different it would have been if I would have just said hi on the first day. I'm too late for it, but I still managed to fall in love with everything and anything that has to do with you.

- Hope you never have to read this, Love your local hopeless romantic.

love, your local hopeless romanticOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora