Part 1- Markicest

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It was a rare day to have Mark visit them at the ego manor, as usually they had to come to him if they wanted to see each other. But today Dark had allowed him to visit their home and see how they were keeping things running.

Mark was currently talking with Dr. Iplier. It wasn't a very important conversation, just Mark asking about how everyone was doing.

Dr.Iplier frowned at him suddenly. "Is your wrist hurting?" He asked, noticing how Mark kept rubbing his wrist.

Mark now looked sheepish. "Uh.. Yeah, but I'm fine." He gave Doc a small smile.

"How'd you hurt it?" Doc asked, grabbing it and looking it over.

"Uhh.." Mark didn't know how to answer. Doc looked up at him curiously. Then he understood.

"Oh, oh," Doc let go of his arm. "My apologizes." He gave an awkward smile. "Just be carful not to hurt yourself further."

Mark sighed. "Will do, Doc."

After a moment, they parted, Mark walked away still feeling a bit awkward. As he turned the corner at the end of the hall, he ran right into Dark.

"Uh! Hey Dark," he gave an uneasy smile.

"Mark," Dark greeted, looking the man up and down. "How are you enjoying your visit?"

"Uh, it's nice. I was just about to head to the studio to see Wilford and Bim."

"I wouldn't if I were you." At Marks confusion, he continued. "Despite my warning that you'd be here today, Wilford has carried out an interview; the two are cleaning their mess now."

Mark nodded in understanding. "Well then, I," he pressed his mouth into a thin line. "I don't know where I'm heading."

"I'd like to speak to you actually, if you'd follow me." Dark turned, beckoning Mark with his hand to follow.

Mark did, as nervous as he was. He was led upstairs and down a couple more hallways before they arrived at Darks office.

Dark opened the door for him, closing it behind the pair. Dark motioned for him to sit before he did so himself on the opposite side of the desk.

"What are we doing here then?" Mark asked once both were seated.

"I only want to talk."

"I doubt it. You never 'just talk' with me. What do you want from me?" Mark asked, skeptical.

Dark sighed. "I don't really want anything from you, per say, this is more for your benefit."

Now Mark was very confused. "Well, go on then?"

"The normal for me, recognition. More screen time, really." Mark could've probably guessed that. "But for you. I can help you... relieve some stress."

Marks eyes widened. "And what the hell is that suppose to mean?!"

"Exactly as it sounds. I overheard your discussion with Iplier earlier, and thought now would be a good time to bring this up. If you still don't understand, then allow me to dumb it down for you." Dark smiles almost seductively at him. "I can help you so that your wrist there won't hurt as much in the future."

Marks face was almost burning. He was almost ashamed by the fact that he wanted to take the deal. "What, uh... what does the 'helping me' bring with it, then?"

Darks eyes were lidded. "Whatever you want."

Mark quickly thought it over. What was there to lose? Dark gets more screen time (which he was planning to give him some soon) and he gets sex? Personally, he didn't really see a downside yet.

Markicest/EgoxEgo Oneshots (mostly smut)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora