the ultimate generation

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          The ultimate generation

My name is  jade 

I live in the year 2026, the state of Texas.but city I must keep classified.

In the year  2020 our secret world had been discovered.

And along with another's.

In the chaos we had to defend earth and the mortals, we got groups of sints together.

Sints are "superior" beings among humans, we look the same and exist the same way humans do except we have special abilities.

  Lyrical's,they use sound waves to reflect enemies .

And sing the can posses any ones voice  to make them do whatever they wish them to do.Rarely the can posses elements with their voice or shape shift to help manipulate others.

Each lyrical has their own original voice .They were said to be the offspring of  aphrodite.Like dolls or immortal children.So beautiful;enchanting

But that's all sints.

  Second there are readers the can feel an object and read where it's been or look at a person and see where they've been or what their intentions are.

They are born knowing many languages.

Third ,bonds...bonds can use earths or any element to make or add to their body . They are so strong I'm pretty sure 90% of their bodies are pure steel. They are very athletic ,their like the jocks of sints.

They can lift any object with their mind and body.most of bonds are male ,there is rarely ever a female bond.

Forth ,callers. Callers can summon any creature or object as fast as the speed of lite ,the same as their running. They can shape shift better than any sint an unmistakable remarkable replica every time.

And fifth there are ultimates they can control all of the sintery,

there are only nine in the world.

So now that you know 




Bad dreams

  "Dad!!!!" I gasped I had just watched my father be killed ,everything in my world had broken ..since mom had died he was all me and my brother Kyle had .

Kyle crying and trying to be strong for me since now ,he was all I had.

I was hyperventilating trying to breath " Jane breath .. Please try to!!!"

Kyle was trying so hard .Now he wasn't crying  or showing any emotion it was like his emotions  had died with dad.

"Get in the closet and stay there until I say !!!"

he ordered ."

If any thing happens to me ,take the escape portal to  James place,understood!"

.The whole time I was hoping it was all a bad dream..that I would wake up any second and my dad would be there with a hug and voice that I would miss desperately.To be able to say I love one last time.

Kyle was able to kill a few of those..things. He yelled clear and we ran.

"what do we do now?!"I said  half crying other whispering still afraid we would be tracked. We made it back to our camp finding it in flames and shreds i said it again

"Kyle what do we do!"

Kyle serious,  and angry reassuring me his emotions were still there.

"I ..I don't know..just pack, we can't stay here ,they know our location we'll have to go to James  one way or another,he's the only family we have at the moment"."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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