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I stand still as the world passes me by
A flurry of colors and lights in an endless highway,
each a person looking for meaning as they travel.
But where am I? Why have I stopped?
And yet I say nothing, gaping at the lights
And they beauty they show.
I see others like me, not bound like the lights
There is music so sweet,
of which there is no match or comparison.
And all the lights compose to my touch
The music of my heart ripples through them,
And I feel such clarity and euphoria that I cannot bear to speak,
Fearing I might shatter this reality with my voice
And yet I sing.
My mouth does not open, yet my heart sings.
I hear others join me,
others who are out of the loop,
A chorus of exhuberant bliss and beauty among the current of lights and colors.
They swirl around us as we sing in unison,
Without care or matter to the world we seem to have left behind.
Complete and absolute awestruck serenity.
Then, one by one, the lighta dissapate,
Each trailing their colors behind as they glide into the rising sun.
The others like me glide with them, but are still singing.
Slowly, we disappear from sight in the golden rays of sunshine.
I have yet to experience this again,
But never before have I felt such bliss...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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