Chapter 1

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"Dakota do you have everything you need honey?" my mother called from the living room of our small two room apartment. We would be leaving  today from the only home I've ever known. Chicago isn't the safest city, not even close but you would think after 15 years she wouldn't care. Which I'm pretty sure she doesn't  she just needed another reason to leave. You see my mother and and her fiance just got married a couple months back and he thinks that we should move to get a new and bigger house. I think they just want to be able to have sex with out me hearing since the walls in this building are paper thin. My mother has wanted  to leave Chicago ever since her and my dad broke up. The small rooms are suffocating her with the horrible memories these walls hold. So for her sake and mine I think it's time we move.

"Yeah mom just grabbing a few more boxes."

I grabbed the stacked boxes filled with clothes, walked out of my room,into the living room and followed my mother out the door, each step I took held a memory. Good, bad, happy, sad, terrified, and reassuring. Every memory over the 15 years came rushing back. Only to end when I closed the door for the millionth time in my life.


OMG this is my first authors note!!

I don't really know where I'm going to go with this story, so if you like my story and have a suggestion leave a comment to help me out! Also this is my first story I have ever written that I'm actually putting on wattpad so please take it easy on me. IM NEW AT THIS!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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