Spicy stuff boyes

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(Y/n means your name which means you read your own name is place of it ok)

I woke up today and yawned. I jumped out of bed and i ran to get ready for my first day of school!! I was going to cooky skool in very goodness and i heard it was gonna be reallt great!!!! I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

"Bye mums!!!!!!!" I sed to my mums.
"Bye (ur name here)!!! Hav a gud daye!!!!" Sed my mums sea fairy cookie and moonlight cookie

I rushed to school with toaste in my mouth and i knocked into this one lad

"HEY WATCH WHERE UR MCFUCKING GOING FUCKER!!!!!!!!!" I screamed because i have anger issues and cant control what i say.

"Oh sorry" and the boye turned around. He had beauiful blue eyes and white icing hair. For a moment i forgot why i was so angry and stared into his sexie eys. Then i rembered i had class or something and i said "GOTTA BLAST!!!!"

Today in school we had russia class where we learn how wonderful russia is and i sat beside my bffl, strawberry cookie!!!!

"Hey, y/n" she said to me as we walked to are lockers. "Whos dat beautiful boy u bashed into earlier today?" She asked all curious like.  I blushed. "Oh i dont know his name yet.... Hes very beautiful and kind. And very brave..." I said. Then i forgot where i was going and banged right into the lockers.

"FUCK" i screamed. Ow my head sure did hurtie... After that i went to minecrafting class thought by herb cookie. I sat beside my other friend, chery cookie.

"Hoo hoo students!!!!!" A cookie with green leafy hair walked in. "I will be ur minecrafting teacher and my name is mr herb cookie. I stopped listenng becaus e i was very busy thinking about that very lovely lad from earlier. Then i felt a tap on my shouler. It was cherry cookie!!! "Hey do you ever feel like bombing th school?" She asked me. I shrugged.

After that it was lunch time and i sat with all my frens!!!!! Mustard cookie was listening to mcr im not ok because shes emo or somethjng. I guess.

Then i noticed across the lunch place it was that boy!!! Strawberry nudged me "hey y/n go say hi!!!!" She said. "Hmm idk hes sitting besides a girl.... It might be his girlfriend!!!!!" I cant be stealing her mans..." I said pondering life. "Oh itll be fine!!!"
"Ok" i said and walked over.

"Hey guys!!!!!" I said and plopped my foond besides the boy. "My name is y/n whats urs???" I said enthusiasticly. "Mines gingerbrave and this is my sistere gingerbright" the boy said. Gingerbright waved. "Oh thats so awesome yo!!!!!!!! I bumped into u earlier didnt i????" I said to gingerbrave "haha yep" he said "dont worry about it its all good. Youre really epic y/n" i blushed. Did he rlly mean it????? I think i might have a crush!!!! The bell rang and i walked over to my fwens.

"Hi gals!!!!! I talked to him!!!" I said to them. "Omg!!! Whats his name???" Asked my fren strawberry cookie. "Well, his name is gingerbrave and theres his sister gingerbright and i think he might be my new hero..." I blushed. "Wow thats so epic!!!!!" Said yoga cookie, one of my frens. "Well, i guess well be heading to are classes then!" Said my fren mustard cookie. She then took out her spray can and wrote the word "cock" in orange spray paint on the wall before walking to out next class with us.

This class was pe. Me and musty have this class together!!!! We got changed in the changing rooms and headed into the hall. Right there i spotten gingerbrave!! My face went red like a red fruit. He smiled and waved at me. Such confidence!! I almost melted into a little puddle. Then i got hit by a doge ball. "Oof ouch owie my bones!!!!" I screamed. My friend mustard cooki looked up from her phone. "Holy frick r u ok??" She popped out one of her earbuds that blasted mcr on repeat. Gingerbrave quickly ran iver and gave me cpr. I suddenly came back to life and kissed him on the cheeck. "Wow y/n... You really look stunning." Gingerbrave told me. "Awww stop it!!" I said burying my face in my hands because i was blushing si red. Then he carried me bridal style around and everyone threw flowers at me. I was so happy this was the best day of my life. Then mustard cookie took out her spray paints again and wrote "we love y/n" on the pe walls. Everyone clapped and cheered for me.

Then i woke up irl and i had to go to irl school and gingerbrave and strawberry cookie and mustard cookie and cherry cookie and yoga cookie and gingerbright and herb cookie and sea fairy cookie and moonlight cookie werent there and it sucked :(

Solely by: loserfanclub 🤠👊

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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