Chapter One

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Your POV

"Why can't you bud outta my life already." I screamed, "I told you I don't love you any more!"

"I'm not giving up on us! We are meant to be. I will be the king even if I have to kill you!" He shouted at me.

"Goodbye ex fiancé." I said.

"You can't leave... the wedding is tomorrow!" He shouted slapping me.

I opened the door and took one last glance at my old life, "Oh well. I called off the wedding last month. Oops!"

I ran out of my castle and down the gravel road.


Sorry peeps that this was short. It's a good intro that starts off the story though.

Love Ya, CupcakeSprinklePie

Just a Sprinkle if Love. (A Finn x reader)Where stories live. Discover now