Up in the sky

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Shinigamis aren't meant to watch over their loved ones, they are supposed to let them die, not protect their existence with their very life...

But I'm breaking the rules because my 'loved ones' to live is not what I want...

In fact I'm trying to do the opposite of save them, because I want them with me! I want their lives!

Akari's POV

I remember it like it was yesterday...

Her falling into the abyss, she wasn't family. She was the schools bully, that was until the trip to one of the many gorges in America that resulted in hell...

Everyone was having fun until Elizabeth Cleah walked up to me and started spouting how ugly and useless I was but then Yami, the mysterious senior came up to me and tried to talk some sense into her saying 'she's not worth your time' or 'let loners be loners' and eventually she agreed but not without spitting on me, and I directly quote her saying 'scum, go die in a fucking hole so we can bury you already' but I wasn't phased, being called those sort of things almost everyday gets yo used to the pain and even better I haven't cut once or tried to commit suicide because I thought that I'm too useless to even do it...I mean...who would miss me?

Fucking no one that's who

But Yami had kind of saved me but when she left me Elizabeth came back and grabbed my collar...

"Listen here you little shit!, I'm Elizabeth and that person who protected you is one of the most popular girls ever! Excluding me being at number one! Like always, but back to the point!" All I heard was her droning on so I looked out into the horizon and thought 'what if I could become a bird and escape life? Even a pigeon would do me fine...' (pewds reference)

"YOUR NOT EVEN LISTENING YOU BITCH!!" Beth threw a punch at my face only to go flying backwards herself into the hard metal railings..."Witch...your a witch!!" Her eyes widened in terror but so did mine because from what I could see I wasn't even touching her! But something by now had grabbed her neck and pushed her skywards because her short and extremely slutty skirt was ridden high and her crop top shown the bottom of her tits...

I watched helplessly as she lifted her hand up and pointed to me as she was flung into the bottom of the gorge by an unbelievable force, seconds later I heard a deafening scream that was followed by a loud and spine tingling crunch...

I meant over the railings in disbelief and called for help but I was paralysed in fear but what scared me was the voice behind me saying

'You really owe me one'



How was the first chapter of gold dust?

You will understand the name later in the story way near the end!

But bye for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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