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Dorothy and Darcy were separated into two different worlds when they were babies. Now they're ten, and they've learned a lot about the two worlds. They found out about what happened to their twin, and they have met up several times since.

Dorothy stayed in Reality, where they were both born before being separated. However, Darcy stayed in Evermore. This is the second world. It was enchanting and mystical. But mostly insanely crazy. Darcy lives here. This is how even if the two were similar in appearance, they had almost completely different personalities.

Now I should probably explain why they were separated from each other in the first place. Their parents could not afford to take care of both of them, so they led one of the twins into the forest. The forest in question happened to have a portal leading to Evermore. They had good intentions, but they did not carry it out well. The decision ended up good in the end, though. Darcy would be able to explore Evermore, and later her sister would do the same.

Now we get to the problem of the story. Since the twins kept on going back and forth from each world to another, the gates ended up being a little unbalanced. From that unbalance was magic.

The twins were oblivious to this development. They just kept going back and forth between worlds and didn't think any consequences would occur. They even made a schedule for themselves. Tuesdays they would go to Evermore together and explore, while on Thursdays they would staying in Reality, being careful to not let anyone see Darcy.

One of those nights, Darcy came back from Evermore looking worried.

"Dorothy, I think Evermore is in trouble," she said. "I'm worried. Strange things have been popping up all over the place. It's so weird, that even the people of Evermore have started to ask for the police force! You know they would never want that!"

"It is weird," replied Dorothy. She was never very surprised at all the things in Evermore. She assumed that this was a regular thing. "Let's abandon our schedule, just for tonight. So we can see what's going on over there."

Little did they know, they would be staying a lot longer than just a night.

They made their way through the dark forest so they could reach the portal. Darcy went in first. Dorothy went in after her, starting to feel slightly sceptical. Once she went in, she immediately felt that something was wrong. It didn't feel like the normal Evermore.

They looked around. It looked the same. There was just this feeling in the air.

"Let's go see Smoketree," suggested Dorothy. "He should know what's going on."

"Good idea," replied Darcy." He always knows what's going on."

They made their way towards Smoketree's house, which was several cabins linked by a rope bridge. It didn't seem right again. There seemed to be this heavy air around the house.

Dorothy and Darcy slowly opened the door. They peered inside to see Smoketree, grabbing potions off the wall of his house and throwing them to the floor.

He looked at them with a look in this eye. A mix of insanity and fear.

"Dorothy, Darcy, thank the lord you've come," he breathed out.

"Smoketree! What happened?" they cried in unison.

"Nightmares... Horrible nightmares. My fears, all come to life," said Smoketree.

They looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. Did this happen to all of Evermore? Were the sweet Delk screaming in terror from their greatest fear, ghosts? Did the threatening Crixin tremble in fear when they saw rats?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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