Chapter 1

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News: "Oo god all these humans with super powers are destroying this city when will anyone come and help us!!" Just as a meta drops in the ceiling and kills everyone there just like he's been doing killing hundreds of people.
Bobby: " hey honey we should do something since your a human specialist and I'm an ex boxer and all?"
Milly: "yea like what could I do all I know how to do is calm them down and and I can separate..... Oh I could separate the chemicals in there blood stream and make them human again and than go to jail for all the damages they caused in our beautiful little city"
Bobby: " Yea now you we have to practice I have a friends who's a super person so we can ask him for help he doesn't like the powers because all they let him do is to walk through walls he's showed up in the bathroom with me a few times" -gutters and shakes-.
Milly: " He's walked in on me changing and it gets so awkward I've know him my whole life he's the one who introduced us too so it's like why would you do this to your friends and greatest money source right now cuz I'm a botanist and your a lawyer after the boxing accident." -bob picks up his hand and looks at his missing finger and the giant scar from the tip of the finger to his shoulder-

-after extensive training and healthy eating bob is ready to fight for his city-

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