My Long Lost

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Today was Wednesday, July 30. It was the middle of summer and I had already felt myself gaining some pounds. For the past 2 weeks, I've been asking my entire family if they had time to go on a run with me. No one ever had the time. I started to become more annoying about it, like begging them while they watched TV. Well yesterday, I was begging my dad.

"Dad please, just for an hour and then we come back," I was begging my dad to come with me.

"Scar, I'm really tired and I don't feel good today," but as always, he gave his same excuse every time.

This time, I became impatient at the way he always blows me off. I figured that if I annoyed him enough, he would say yes just to get it over with.

"Dad come on. You always tell me that you're tired but an hour later I see you working in the garden. So when I ask you again, it's already too late to go running," I was slightly raising my voice, and my father took it the wrong way. See, my father has anger issues. He doesn't know how to hold his anger in and when he's mad, no one can do anything about it. He's never resulted to physical violence, but verbal violence was his #1.

"If you want to go running so badly then go without me! Scarlett, you know how tired I am when I come home from work every day! Just go running already, and stop annoying me," my father sits back down and takes a sip from his beer. No, my father is not a drunk, he just drinks beer when we have some... which is everyday due to the parties on the weekends.

"Well if you really meant it, I'll just be on my way already," I felt tears building up so I didn't wait until my dad gave me a response. I grabbed my hoodie, walked out, and slammed the door at the exact moment that my father had called my name out to me. Did I turn back around? Not a chance.

As I was walking down the driveway, I saw myself in the reflection of our truck. I was wearing short shorts and a sports bra. My hoodie was in my hand, because I didn't want to carry it while I ran, I pulled it over my head and fix it at the bottom because it was an extra-large size. When I was done fixing my hair, I looked back at my reflection and saw that the hoodie was covering my shorts, therefore, it looked like the only piece of clothing that I was wearing was this hoodie. However, it wouldn't really matter while I'm running.


I have been running around the city for about an hour already and my phone was ringing nonstop. I paused and checked my phone. 9 missed calls from my dad, 6 missed calls from my second oldest brother, 11 missed calls from my mom, and 8 missed calls from my oldest brother.

I feel like my oldest brother understood me the most so I only called him back. As I was dialing his number, a group of guys jump out from a black truck. They began to approach me. I can smell the scent of smoke with another scent that I can't define. As they come closer, I can hear their conversation.

"She's perfect"

"Just the kind of girl we are looking for"

"I'm also sure she has a sick ass body under that jacket"

"Well we can always find out later, right?"

All of the comments were from a complete different guy. As the sound of their voices came closer, I was trying to run away but I was so frightened, I couldn't find myself running away.

"Do you guys not realize the fear in her face? You guys are scaring her. Everyone, back in the truck," a commanding voice came from their group. Was he the leader or something?" Are you okay?" I felt his soft hand brush against my ear to tuck my hair back. His warm touch sent chills throughout my body.

How did he get so close to me?

"What do you guys want?" I managed to build up some oxygen while being completely terrified.

"Just come with us. Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry if we might have frightened you tonight," before I knew it, he had already handcuffed my left hand to his right hand and was walking me to his truck.

"No I'm not going in there. My parents are probably worried sick for me," I sat down to prevent him from pulling me in the truck. "I-If you just leave me here, I'll go home and act like nothing ever happened here," I tried to convince them but they just chuckled.

"Don't worry if you don't scream, I won't stab you," the guy that was handcuffed to me threatened. I said nothing and began to pray in my head. After a minute into my prayers, I feel an arm pull me up and I landed on his shoulder. I whimpered and he chuckled.

The handcuffs were taken off and I finally opened my eyes. I was seated next to the guy who dragged me in here. I looked up at his face and studied his face with great detail. I have to admit, he was really cute for a kidnapper. Wait....

"Did you guys just seriously kidnap me?!?" All five guys turn around and look at me. "Who the fuck does that?!? What kind of people are you?! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Kidnapping an innocent minor is 100% illegal. Just wait until you guys get caught because a female minor in this little group of yours, would be considered suspicious!" They we all looking at me as if I was growing an extra head.

"You're not scared of us?" one of them asked.

"No, why would I be scared?" I asked calmly.

"Maybe because we just kidnapped you. I gotta say, for our first kidnapping, we are actually pretty good at this," they chuckled and started a conversation among one another.

I began to remember what these guys had said to me before I was shoved into this truck.

It had just hit me, that I've been kidnapped and they're probably going to kill me, or abuse me somehow, and how knows when the next time I'll see my family. Before I knew it, I was already sobbing while tears were racing down my cheeks.

"Whoa guys, did she get hurt? Why is she crying?" the driver asked.

"I don't know, man," the one next to me replied. "Hey are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked, directing his attention to me.

I wasn't going to tell them what my problem was! My problem was them!!

I guess we have eventually reached the "house" and we all got off the truck. I counted them to see how many were there. Five guys who had just kidnapped me...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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