Dear X crush,

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Dear ex crush,

It's crazy how much the human minds can treasure a certain memory that you loved. But you'll never read this because you'll never know that this will exist. But anyone else who can relate to my experience, welcome to my letter. Let's start off with a little background of how this all this happened. 

I lived with a celebrity's sister who had kids that my mom had to literally took care of. Who's the celebrity? Tim Tebow, yes the dude who used to play a quarterback in the NFL. Cool huh? Trust me it wasn't, but right now, this about the guy I liked back in 8th grade.

When I was already living with Tim Tebow's sister, you were new to my school and you rode my bus. We obviously didn't talk at first, but later in my gym class, you came up to me and asked me if my other new friend liked this person. I didn't think much of it until I decided to talk to you on the bus because why not right?

I started to talk to you almost everyday on the bus and  the conversations were real fun when I talked to you. Wow, I low-key sound like a weirdo right now but moving on. One time I said I didn't want to go home but you couldn't understand what I meant. Well if somehow from on in a trillion chance you read this, I meant that I didn't want to go home because I would always come home to bickering and arguments. Because I sat around you on the bus a lot, others on the bus found that weird and that made me feel insecure. But I stopped sitting next to you mainly because I felt that me liking you made it more awkward so I stop sitting next to you altogether. But one time when I was sitting on the front with some new friends, I looked to the back and you smiled and waved at me. I was so confused of why you did that and I just waved back and turned around. 

I sometimes wonder, if I haven't left so suddenly, would you still have talked to me? I always felt that I made everything awkward and we don't talk anymore like we used to because of me. One thing that I regret is because I wasn't confident in myself, I made everything weird around you. I even made you hate me because I said something stupid. But it's in the past and it won't matter because your gone and you wouldn't care.


Irrelevant girl who used to like you.

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