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Moonstar, leader of Nightclan, was having an issue.
Prey was good, Treeclan was keeping to their territory, and newleaf was in full bloom. So what could be wrong?
His problem was that his mate was going to have his kits.
Nightfire was a beautiful black she-cat with bright blue eyes. She was the second most beautiful cat Moonstar had ever laid eyes on.

Who was the first? Rosestar. Leader of Treeclan. The romance had started when they were warriors. The clan meeting was about to start, and Moonfeather had seen Rosemist across the clearing, and they fell in love from the first moment they saw each other.
She had left a message telling him to meet her at the starpool at moonhigh the next night.
They had met and soon they were meeting once every moon so that they wouldn't get found out. They were both deputy of their clans.
Then their leaders died. They knew they couldn't keep meeting, but they made a final promise to go to the Startree together to receive their nine lives.

That was the last time they met just as warriors.

Now he had a mate, and soon kits. He would have to put his mind on the present, and not past love. He also knew that Nightfire's best friend Starblossom was also having her kits soon, maybe around the same time.
He shared her happiness at their continuing friendship, and couldn't wait to see the kits.

Little did he know that two kits would change the way the clans lived, and the very forest they lived in.

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