Knock, Knock, no bodies home

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Captain Sean 1890

The body was still warm to the touch as he moved his hand away from the neck. He sighed and looked up at his colleague. Shaking his head. "She's dead. The blood is still running." He sighed and stepped away from the blood at his feet. "Bag her up and get her out of here before anyone see's" He sighed and walked towards his horse. His face grim. "Sir! This is the second body in two days." He turned to his second in command, his eyes narrowed in anger "Don't you think I know that?" He turned his whole body towards the man "Don't you think that I know that Jack the ripper has reached Ireland? These women's family are about to find out their daughter is dead. That is going to kill them inside." He turned back towards his horse. His hands clenched in anger. He patted the mares head softy for both of there comfort and looked up towards the sky. His gut clenching in anger. "Why does this have to happen to respectable girls?" His lieutenant looked at him with confusion. "Sir these women. Their uh. Fancy ladies sir" He nodded and turned towards the man "I am not an idiot" He sighs and pulls himself up into the saddle, the images of the girls bodies burned into his memory. "Captain Sean!" He turned his horse towards the voice. His men holding onto a girl, her long dark red locks in disarray from their pins "Can we help ye' lass?" He smiled a little as she shook off her assailants and stood with her shoulders straight "Oh ye' you can, I'm looking for my sister. Mary" He slid off his horse with a grim expression and looked at her "Your sister. Did she have the same locks as you lass?" She nodded and shook her head, horror on her face. "N-No it can't be. Your here because of her aren't you. The bastard finally got her.." He watched in surprise as she dropped to her knees. Her face streaming with tears as she looked towards the horizon "Captain. Promise me, promise me you will find my sisters killer. You will find, Jack the ripper." He looked at her in surprise and shook his head "I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about lass. Jack the killer is from England. He killed many there. There were no survivors." She shook her head, her hands curling into fists. "I have the letters to prove it captain. You don't understand. My sister. She never spoke of that night. She used to call for me in her dreams. Check her skin, she has the scars to prove that he almost got her. Along her stomach and under her breasts.. They are horrific evidence of the night my sister almost died." He gestured for her to stand and walked her over to the linen bag covering her sister. 'Please show me what you mean by the scars. I wish to know, to see." He watched her reach over and pull the bag back. No hesitation in her eyes as she unlaced her sisters corset and pulled what was left of it open. The fresh wounds so open and raw, the scar tissue underneath lay jagged and white. "Why did your sister not go to the authorities?" He blinked she snorted in disgust and shook her head no "What good would it have done? She was the daughter of a nobleman's tryst. They viewed her as nothing but a common whore. The ton. They shun to many. And deserve no respect." She covered her again with the bag and looked at him dead on. "If you don't find my sisters killer captain. I will. And he will pay in blood" She turned away and started to walk as he stared at her back in shock. "Bold little lass isn't she captain?" He turned towards his man and nodded. "Aye, that she is. Lets move out and get the Mary lass to doc. Then we may return her to her family and put her to rest." He sighed and climbed onto his horse again, his knuckles going white against the reigns as he and his rode towards the station.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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