Chapter 1/College Graduation

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As I pack up for moving out of my parents house , I gave my dad , mom, and also my brother a hug. My mom was crying like crazy and I told her that I'm going to be fine, I'll keep myself safe, just call me if you want to talk to me , ok? Ok said the mom but summer I want you to stay here. Look mom, I know your scared for me and I'll be safe remember i did karate when I was 12. Yeah said the mom. See I'll be fine , I'mma teach them who there messing with. Ok honey I'll see you at the graduation tommorow. Ok Bye guys!! I love you all!! Make sure you don't get into does boys summer said the dad. Whatever dad I'll text you if you need me. As I drove off I went to McDonald's to get something to eat on the road Soo I don't be starving to death. As I walk in into McDonald's, there was not that much people inside as I expected to be. But I still and went to get my order, I got a double cheeseburger and fries and also some chicken nuggets with honey mustard. As I wait for my order, I had to go to the bathroom, as she walked in the bathroom and she expected what other bathrooms look like. disgusting. But I still and went ahead and did my business.

*3 minutes later after a long diarrhea*

Ok time to get my order and get out of here before they close. As I walked out the door, a guy came up to me and said that I was pretty and I said back to him. 'Thank you' like normal people should say these days. And we went on and talk for like 5 minutes then 3 more minutes later he asked me ALOT of questions, Soo I just told him that I had to go on the road Soo I don't miss my graduation tommorow morning. He said wait but I told him I really have to go. I walked back to my car and got in and as I drove off , I looked at my mirror and he was just standing there and he said bye to me like 5 times until I got on the road and left. That's was Werid said summer but let's just focus and get on the road to my college graduation and then I move into California which is like 6 hours away from here. As I driving to my college, I got a Snapchat from one of my friends and he was my bestfriend Rachel and it was a video of her driving to the college graduation and it looks like she left the McDonald's that I just left. After I saw that video I texted her that if she saw a guy with short hair and gray eyes. Then minutes later she answered my text and she said yes he was talking to me. RACHEL!!! I want you to stay away from that boy. Why said Rachel because he was asking me some werid questions that are in my life business and he was also touching my shoulder really hard. Rachel said ok. An 1 hour later I arrive to my college graduation and I saw my mom , dad , and brother and they came rushing to me very happy. My mom came up to me hugging me very hard that I couldn't hug her back . Hey Mom come here I have to tell you something. Mom said yes. Umm there was a guy that was asking me about my life and business , and I thought that was very werid of him and he also touch my shoulder very hard. Ok I want you to be on a look out because I don't want you to get hurt out there in the world because this world we live in is horrible my mom said. As me and my family walked into the building , i had to go to front stage so I can wait until they call my name. As I wait 30 minutes they finally called my name up. I went up the stage to get my college graduation certificate. As I bend down and went back up I see a guy standing by the exit door and it was really hard to see who it was because the lights was on my face. As I walked off the stage , the person was gone and it made me paranoid who that was Soo I went to my friends to congratulate them and I asked them. "was that one of y'all right by the exit door?" and they answered no. So I just went back to my parents and they gave me hugs and kisses.

*30 minutes later*

The college graduation ceremony was over so me and my family exit out of the building and when we exited out I saw a white Toyota with bright lights on and it wasn't even that dark. So my dad came up to the car and told the man to turn off the bright lights off , so he did. Then the guy in the car came up to us closely but he just drove off . That was Werid said by my brother. My family gave me hugs and kisses because I wasn't going to see them for a long time because I'm old enough to be living alone. They said goodbyes and prayers to continue my journey to California.

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