a dream

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"It all starts with one knife. One knife could cause a worldwide panic."
It's a post-apocalyptic world. The city is made of the truck-size intermodal containers from ships. There's nowhere to hide. No one dares to leave the city. Why? Fear of the unknown. Little do they know that there's a family living outside, living happily in a house with a porch on the second story. (why this minor detail about the house? I don't know; I just remember it from my dream)
"It all starts with one knife."
The words echo into my mind as I try to squeeze past the mass of people so I won't be late to school, rather, what's left of the school. My brother and I are stuck in traffic of a sea of people trying to get by. Then it happens. So quickly. The man in between us is carrying a knife. The knife was covered in blood. I look down to see that his hand is missing two fingers and was also washed in blood.
"Who should I have fun with today?" he says in a menacing playful tone. He stops next to my brother, moving his knife as if measuring his height. Suddenly, he grabs the man next to him, who was holding his little daughter. He was the same height as my brother. I slowly back away from the incident happening a few feet away from me.
His laugh is piercing my ears as he slices the man's head as if peeling a watermelon. I hear the little girl's screams when she sees her father being treated like meat at a butcher shop.
I dare not to run. Running will lead up to chasing. I do not want to be the next victim. My brother and I are separated as the horrifying incident happened right between us. I walk away, not even looking back. This might be the last time I see him. The sea of panicking people separates us; I can't find him. Once I'm out of sight, I run. I run toward the outskirts of the city. Toward the exit across the railroad surrounding the city.
I regret leaving that house of safety just to go to school. The harsh winds prevent me from running very fast. I have to get to that house before it's too late. I should have stayed with the family who had taken my brother and me as their own. If we had never left for school, we could have stayed and continued the game we were playing with the boy who was my age. We all could have been oblivious to what had been happening inside the city just several minutes ago.

Did I ever reach the house? I don't know.

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