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"Suspended?! But miss, what for?" His fist hit the wall with a thud.
"You know exactly what for young man." Her voice was stern, her hand fell on his shoulder as she attempted to lead him outside. He jolted backwards quickly, tossing her hand away.
"Don't you understand? I have literally done nothing wrong! Why don't you believe me?!" All the noise attracted the attention of surrounding students in the hallway. "This is bullshit!" His voice echoed throughout the walls. She clenched her teeth in anger, Mrs. Gem, although being the newest teacher, was well known to be the last person you'd want to pick a fight with.
"Oh so now you think using 'naughty words' is gonna change my mind huh? Big talk for a kid like you!" Just looking at the guy you wouldn't address him like that, he was much taller then her, in fact, he was a strikingly tall guy, standing over many other students in his year, which was the oldest. He made Mrs. Gem look like a child standing next to her.
"And what in the hell is that supposed to mean? I could tackle you to the ground right now, no problem!"

"He's really putting up a fight, isn't he?" Grey jumped back a little. "Oh sorry buddy, didn't mean to startle you!"
"Java? What are you doing here?" Java smiled and pointed towards the riot going on in front of them.
"Well I'm watching the show of corse! Same as everyone else, I was just heading outta English class and boom! Another suspension! I mean, I guess they shouldn't come as such a surprise by now." His hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at his hands. "So what's that? The sixth one this month, and third this week! Isn't that crazy?" Grey smiled at him.
"Not as crazy as your hair, someone needs a hair cut!" Grey began grabbing bunches of hair on Java's head and pretended to cut it with his fingers. "Bit off here, bit off there." Java chucked to himself. "Are you really trying to give me hair advice? Me? Come on Grey the ladies die for my hair! I'm really quite the trend setter actually." Grey took a step back, leaving Java's hair to do as it pleases.
"It's just so poofy and all over the place you know? At least you got rid of that man bun you had last month."
"Can't argue with you there." Java looked over to a taller kid with a man bun, standing next to them, watching the argument going on up ahead. "They look so good on some people.."
"But so painfully bad on you!" Interrupted Grey with a chuckle.
"Well, maybe it just suits that guy with black hair more, I didn't know how well it would tango with my beautiful, blond hair." He looked over at Grey who had one eyebrow raised.
"Oh shut up you! Excuses, excuses!" The shouting from Mrs. Gem and that boy was getting louder.
"Hey, speaking of blondes." Said Java, looking over at Mrs. Gem.

"Get out of this building immediately!" Yelled Mrs. Gem.
"Oh boy, she snapped." Whispered Java to Grey with a worried, yet somewhat exited tone, as if he was about to pull out a bucket of popcorn.
"You know what miss? I will happily leave this place, you call yourself a teacher? Kicking students out for not doing a damn thing? Well you'll get what's coming to you I'll tell you that!" A gust of wind flew past as the boy stormed out the doors, fists clenched and face red as a poppy.
"He seems pretty sure he's not done anything wrong anyway." Grey muttered, watching the student through the open doors, stomp off behind the school. "Right Java?" Grey flung himself around, where had Java gone?

"Stupid kid." Whispered Mrs. Gem to herself as she began to walk back to her classroom. Out of all the teachers in the school, her heels were by far the loudest walking along the floor. She wore the same pair of red heels each and every day. She always dressed well, and certainly made it look like she had made an effort. But you'd swear that if she one day came into school in a uniform, you wouldn't be able to tell her apart from the students.
"Miss wait up!" Said a voice behind her followed by the sound of fast footsteps. She took a deep breath.
"I'm pretty sure a boy of your age has the decency to not run in this school, or any school for that matter." Java leaped in front of her, stopping her in her path.
"Oh yeah, sorry, I just wanted to ask you about what just happened." Mrs. Gem lifted her chin slightly and shook her head. "Hmf, you really think you must be involved in everything don't you Java? This isn't about you, it's about the school and that boy." She began walking again, moving Java out of her way. He waddled along beside her.
"Stood his ground though didn't he! Say, why have there been so many kids getting suspended this past month? Honestly it's starting to look suspicious, I mean, isn't this school not meant to be one of the best in the country? Also, apparently the student's parents aren't even called in or anything for bad behaviour before hand, they're literally just thrown out there and then! Just wondering if you could give..."
Her hand covered his mouth. She looked at him through her large glasses, right in the eye.
"This is none of your business." She stated. "Do not follow me." She took her hand off his mouth and proceeded to walk forwards. Java crossed his arms as he watched her walk off.
"Do not follow me." He said, mocking her quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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