Part 1

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Tick tock tick tock..
The hands on my wrist watch ticked slowly with each second that passed.
Sweat coated the palms of my hands. My stomach constantly did summer salts inside
me. I paced back and forth in the same spot. In nervousness, I waited for you to appear in our meeting place. Would you come early? Late? Right on time? Maybe not even show up? No matter how many times I twirl my hair or pace back and forth, the choice is up to you. You will step into my sight on your time and your time alone.
Tall trees are gathered around in a large circle, surrounding me in a huge gaping space. The wind rustled around me, making the trees branches dance in its direction. Bright light shown from the full moon above, leaving every detail on display. Details of the trees towering in the dark sky, blades of grass spreed out on the ground, and of me. My every freckle, bruise, scratch, scar, and imperfection out in exposure. Out for you to see.
A humongous knot rose into my throat. I swallowed loudly in attempt to chase away the realization. You would see me. Your eyes would have the ability to scan the array of traits of myself. You would see everything..
'I don't want you to see me.'
Don't be mistaken, I want to see you. In impatience, I've counted the days, hours, and the minutes that I'd lay my eyes upon you. Every fiber of my being longs to be in the warmth of your presence. However, I cannot let you view me like this. I just can't..
Fully alarmed, my eyes locked onto my ticking watch. I had three minutes. Three minutes until you were supposed to waltz your way into our meeting place.
My heart sunk as I considered one option. This is the only option I had of hiding my every flaw from you. I had too leave. My foot stepped back.
'You can't see me.'
I took another step back.
'You can't see me..'
I took one more step back.
'I have too leave.'
Through squinting eyes, I cowardly took a peek at my watch again. One more minute!
I whirled my body around and bolted toward the thick tall trees. In full panic mode, my arms flailed in front of me. The hair on my head reached its strands behind me, pleading with me to stay. However, I've already made up my mind. My legs were forced to keep moving forward.
Dark shadows from the trees engulfed me as I entered into the forests barrier. Dead leaves crutched beneath my feet repeatedly. The wind blew its weight against my body, making it difficult for me to run.
'You should go back.' A voice chirped in my thoughts,  interrupting my focus.
No. I absolutely cannot turn back. It's too late for that now.
'It's never too late. Turn back.'
'Stop it!' I yelled at myself within my own head, trying to eliminate any trace of hope I had of seeing you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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