Strangely cute

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You have always been best friends with this super cool dude named Dirk Strider, no one else understood you like he did which is why you're best friends obviously....You used to think he had a thing for you until you found out that he was HELLA GAY, that's a relief.. You'd hate having to let him down and end up damaging your friendship for something trivial. You didn't have the best of luck in relationships anyways, at least you wouldn't...You aren't sure considering the fact that you had never known of anyone who wanted to take that route with you.

Dirk invited you to come hang out after school today, nothing strange because you always come over to chill with him even if he doesn't invite you over. You're friendship is more just feel more like family rather than friends, but if you called him brother he'd probably look at you weirdly. You chuckle at the thought of the facial expression he would bestow upon you. You knock on the door and say "STRIDERRRRRR IM HERE TO KICK YOUR ASS IN A RAP BATTLE", he opens the door with a smirk and replies smugly "yea sureeee, that'll happen the same day lil cal stops being the fucking shit!", he laughs and lets you inside his apartment. The both of you then proceed to have one of the sickest rap battles in the fucking history!! That is until he burns the fuck out of you with his mad lyrics, there ain't no coming back from a burn of that degree, hell no.

"Oh, hello y/n." said a familiar voice from the corner of the hall.

"oh shitttt wassup Auto Responder" you look up to see where the shades were placed in order to wave to him and you nearly choke once you get a glimpse of the person standing in the hall.

"Wh-...WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!", you're eyes widen curiously as your heart skips a beat, you can't look away...not sure what it is but he's...strangely cute. You let out a sigh and dirk laughs and responds "y/n I gave AR a body because he kept bugging me about becoming his own being" then rolls his eyes at lil Hal.

Lil Hal walks over to you and grabs your hand lightly to prevent hurting you since he's not yet used to his new body and doesn't want to be to rough. "Nice to meet you in person~", you can't help but blush, god he's lock eyes with him and turn red and quickly pull away. "m-mhm...", he tilts his head curiously at your reaction.

"What's wrong y/n? .. was I being to rough...I apologize" he said with a sincere tone in his voice, "woah...You have...emotions now....?" you ask without thinking and his eyes widen "...I always had emotions..." he replied hesitantly, and you quickly look up and lock eyes with him once again "...but you're an Al" you say in response hoping he doesn't get offended by your statement.

Lil Hal sighs heavily and looks down at the floor "I'm more than an Al....I was hoping you of all people would notice that.." he gives a sadden expression. "I- I'm sorry, you're right you are much more than an Al " you are blushing so fucking hard right just hope he doesn't realize because if he or Dirk points it out YOU ARE SO SCREWED, you'd probably die of embarrassment.

You walk over and sit on the couch and he sits beside you, you try not to look over at him and sit in awkward silence for a few before he finally speaks up, "You're so cute when you are flustered", You basically almost get whiplash from turning your head in his direction at the speed of light and stutter like a damn imbecile "H-Hal...what the hell....", he smiles softly at you and places a hand on your cheek "Teasing you through the chat logs was fun and all but it's so much better being able to do it in person and see your reaction first hand~" he smirks smugly. "ugh you are such a-" he cuts you off before you can even finish insulting him by pressing his lips against yours and you instantly turn bright fucking red like a fucking tomato or some gay shit. You instantly turn into a damn puddle but Dirk just sits there with his jaw dropped like a fucking hooker tryna suck some dick"What the-". Lil Hal pulls away from you and smiles sweetly "I've confirmed my theory" he says softly. "T-theory?" You ask while holding your blushing cheeks.

He leans in close and pecks your lips "It seems I have feelings for be more specific..I think I love that's not right. I know I love you... there's a 100% chance that I get flustered when you're around because of this...I know I'm not alive but I hope that there's still a chan-" you shut him up in the same manor as he did to you a couple seconds ago and kiss him happily. Dirk sits there questioning what he has done and whether he ships it or not.

You pull away and smile cutely "I love you too Hal", who gives a shit if he isn't alive or whatever the fuck, he's more than just an Al to you. <3

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